Page 72 of Rush

I want memories like that too.

I have some with Case, but I want more. I want a lifetime’s worth.

“They seem very happy,” I reply. “How are you?”

“Late,” she confesses on a laugh. “I’m headed to the airport.”

I glance down at the suitcase by her side.

Laughing, she jerks a thumb over her shoulder. “The doorman is bringing most of my luggage. I’m planning on staying in Ireland for a month.”

“Ireland?” My gaze flicks over her face.

“You’re the inspiration for this trip.” She slides her hand over my shoulder. “When you mentioned your brother getting married in Ireland, it reminded me of a promise I made to Tommy.”

“What promise is that?”

“I promised him I’d make our dreams come true.” She glances down at the double heart ring on her finger. “We planned to see the world, but that didn’t happen, so it’s time for me to make those dreams a reality.”

Speechless, I stare at her.

“You helped me see that it’s never too late to do what makes you happy.” Her arms reach around to pull me into a quick hug. “I wouldn’t be taking this trip if it wasn’t for you.”

I take comfort in knowing that I helped her chase after a dream.

“I hope you’ll do the same.” She reaches for my hand. “If a life with that young man is your dream, make it happen, Emma.”

She can’t know how much I want my dream to come true. I want a life with Case. “What if it’s not his dream?”

“Ask him.” She smiles at the doorman as he passes us by with the luggage cart. “My car is here so I do need to run, but promise me you’ll tell him how you feel.”

I can’t promise that.

I don’t want to burden Case with my feelings. He has enough to wade through.

“I promise I’ll think about it,” I say to appease her. “I hope this trip is everything you want it to be.”

“With my Tommy in my heart, it’ll be the trip of a lifetime.” She rests a hand against her cheek. “I’ll go to a pub and toast to my love.”

She spins around and starts toward the waiting SUV. Just as she’s about to slide into the back seat, she turns one last time to face me. “Tell him how you feel, Emma. I wish I would have done it when I was as young as you.”

I wave a hand in response as she gets in the car, and it drives away, disappearing around the corner.


“My cousin Chloe Scott is the woman for this job.” Bella’s gaze darts up from her purse. “I’m sure I have one of her business cards in here.”

“She’s a lawyer?” I ask. “Does she handle contracts?”

“Yes, and yes.” Bella punctuates her answer with two nods of her chin.

When I mentioned to Bella that I had been offered a job at Cabbott, she squealed. That turned into a groan when I told her that I might not be working in New York.

Marti rushed over to see what the fuss was, but Bella played it off as nothing.

Her grandma didn’t buy any of it, but she’s now in the kitchen of Calvetti’s preparing us each a plate of cheese ravioli with meat sauce.

“Marti will want to push another of my cousins on you if she thinks there’s a chance you’re about to become a New Yorker.” Bella chews on the end of a breadstick. “I’d tell her you’re not single, but you haven’t said a word about where things stand with you and Case.”

I pick up a breadstick from the basket in the middle of the table too. “He lives in San Francisco, and I don’t think he’s offering me a job there.”

“But you don’t know for sure, right?” She tugs her phone closer to her. “I have Chloe’s number. I’ll call and give her a heads-up that you’ll be reaching out to her.”

I’m grateful that Bella is helping me find a lawyer. I didn’t know where to start. Elias sent me a list of names, but I haven’t looked it over yet.

“For selfish reasons I’m hoping the job is in Manhattan.” Bella sighs. “But, I want it to be in California, Emma. I want you to have a chance with Case.”

“Lunch is served.” Marti approaches from the left. “Two plates of spinach lasagna for two beautiful girls.”

“Marti.” Bella looks up at her grandma as she places the dishes of steaming hot pasta in front of us. “I thought you were bringing ravioli.”

“Surprise, my Bella.” She laughs. “This is delicious. You’ll thank me later.”

I laugh as I dive a fork into the cheesy goodness. “I’ll thank you now, Marti.”

“You’re welcome.” She leans down to press a kiss to my forehead. “You enjoy every last bite.”

When she walks away, Bella circles the fork in her hand in front of my face. “You have a pink lipstick imprint front and center on your forehead.”