Page 17 of Rush

I’m famished.

“Welcome to Calvetti’s.” An older woman with a kind smile approaches me. “I’m Marti, and you’re a beautiful girl.”

Knowing that I’m sporting a huge grin, I dip my chin to hide it.

“That smile could light this city on its darkest nights.” She reaches for my hand. “My grandson would be charmed by that smile.”

“Your grandson?” I question with a lilt in my voice.

Her gaze drops to my left hand. “No ring. You’re single?”

“Very,” I answer with a grin.

“My grandson is as handsome as you are beautiful,” she says with the slightest hint of an Italian accent in her voice. “He’s a fireman. If you like heroes, I can give you his number.”

“Grandma.” A woman around my age makes her way closer to us. “Luke told you to stop trying to fix him up with every pretty girl who walks through the door.”

Marti tosses her a look. “They’d make the perfect couple.”

With a shake of her head and a laugh, the younger woman shifts her attention to me. “I’m Bella Calvetti. I take it you’re trying to eat some lunch not looking for a life partner?”

I nod.

“A girl can have both.” Marti shrugs her shoulders. “First, you’ll have the spaghetti, then we’ll talk more about Luke.”

“She’ll have whatever she orders from the menu, Grandma.” Bella gestures toward an empty table. “Please, go ahead and have a seat.”

I settle onto one of the wooden chairs next to a small circular table covered with a red and white checkered cloth. This might be the most memorable lunch I’ve ever had, and I haven’t even taken a bite of the food yet.

I adjust my purse on my lap before dragging the chair closer to the table.

“I’m sorry about Marti.” Bella hands me a menu. “She means well.”

I glance up at her. She’s pretty. Her long dark hair is the same shade as mine. Her blue-gray eyes pop as she looks down at me.

“I’m Emma,” I offer even though she didn’t ask. “And your grandma is very sweet.”

“She’s the best.” She rests one hand on her hip. “Is this your first time at Calvetti’s?”

I glance at the closed menu. “It is. What do you recommend?”

“One of everything.” She rubs her small belly bump through the light blue dress she’s wearing. “I’m eating for two so I stop in as often as I can for lunch. Marti feeds my little bundle of love and me very well. Today we had the ricotta and spinach stuffed shells.”

The pear shaped diamond ring on her finger catches my eye.

It’s no wonder she’s practically beaming.

“Congratulations,” I say, not sure if I’m commenting more on the baby or the ring. Maybe both.

“Thank you. I sometimes wonder how this is my life.” She smiles softly. “I’ll give you a few minutes to decide what you’d like.”

I don’t need it. “I’ll have the stuffed shells.”

She scoops the menu back into her hand. “Excellent choice, Emma.”

Bella’s right. I did make an excellent choice when I came here for lunch. This place is full of friendly faces and what I know will be to-die-for food.


“What do you think?” Bella plops herself onto the vacant chair at my table. “It’s ridiculous how good it is, right?”

Swallowing the last bite of food, I nod. “So good.”

It’s not a lie. I don’t indulge in pasta often, but this ranks at the top of the best I’ve ever had. I might have to sneak in another meal here before I go home.

“Your grandma is a fantastic cook.”

Bella smiles. “She’s the best cook and the best grandma.”

I look over to where Marti is chatting with two women who just walked into the restaurant.

“She’s probably trying to set them up with my cousins.” Bella laughs. “I’m sorry if she seemed pushy about Luke. You two would make a great couple though.”

I glance across the table to find her winking at me.

“I’m only visiting New York so I’ll have to pass.” I inch my eyebrows up. “I won’t pass on dessert though. Do you have a recommendation for something sweet from the menu?”

Leaning forward, she rests both of her forearms on the table. “If you keep this between us, I’ll let you in on a little secret about the best dessert in Manhattan.”

I follow her lead and lower my voice. “Are you going to tell me that it’s not at Calvetti’s?”

“Don’t get me wrong,” she begins with a sigh. “Marti makes this honey ricotta cheesecake that I’d walk barefoot over rocks for, but…”

“But?” I interrupt with a soft laugh.

“If you love cupcakes as much as I do, Sweet Bluebells is the place to be.”

“I probably love them more than you,” I say. “I have two questions. Where’s Sweet Bluebells, and do they make red velvet cupcakes with real cream cheese frosting?”

With a quick push back from the table, Bella is on her feet. “Not only are they made with real cream cheese frosting, but the crowning glory is a sprinkle of red, white, and pink candy hearts on top.”