Page 14 of Rush

That’s an understatement.

Drake didn’t visit a barber for years. He’s as clean cut as they come now. It’s a far cry from the longhaired, bearded guy I said goodbye to when I left New York.

He’s sought refuge at my home in California a few times over the years. We talk daily, but our face-to-face time is rare.

“Why don’t you join Emma?” She questions with a grin. “I’m sure she’d appreciate the distraction.”

Reading between the lines, I pop an eyebrow. “Do you know the guy with her?”

She nods. “Ned. He’s a regular. When he spots a pretty new face in here, he always buys them a drink.”

If I didn’t know Emma, I’d buy her a drink too so I can’t fault the guy for that.

“He’s harmless,” she goes on. “I’ve never seen him seal the deal. He always walks out of here alone.”

That should be my cue to call it a night and head back to my apartment, but I stay planted on the stool.

I have a clear view of Emma’s face. She’s a beautiful woman with a smile that could stop any man in his tracks. I see no harm in watching her from a distance for a few more minutes.

Kendall glances at the phone in my hand. “Have you heard from Drake since he left?”

I won’t betray my closest friend to appease the curiosity of one of his ex-lovers. If he wants Kendall to know the details of his wedding, he’ll fill her in.

Downing the rest of the water in my glass, I lightly tap it on the top of the bar. “I’ll get another one of these.”

Disappointment draws her shoulders forward once she realizes I ignored her question. “Are you sure you don’t want something stronger?”

“Water is fine.” I glance past her to catch Emma laughing at something Ned said.

Envy isn’t something I feel often, but it’s there now.

That guy is no one to Drake. He can make Emma laugh. He can kiss her, hell he can fuck her without having to worry about the consequences.

She’s off-limits because of my friendship with her brother. I’ve always craved what I can’t have and what I shouldn’t touch.

“Kendall,” I call out her name as she steps away. “I’ll take a double scotch neat.”

“Do you have a preference for…”

“I don’t,” I interrupt her. “The label on the bottle doesn’t matter. You choose.”

With a nod of her head, she smiles. “I’ll be right back with your drink.”

I need it if I’m going to spend the next few days sleeping in the same apartment as my best friend’s sister.

Chapter 11


Case isn’t nearly as stealthy as he thinks he is.

I saw him walk into the pub and sit down at the bar. It took everything inside of me not to stare at him. I caught glimpses of him out of the corner of my eye as he talked to Kendall.

Jealousy tugged at me when I saw him lean closer to her.

I should have spent my time talking to the man who bought me a drink, but I struggled to focus on him.

I could feel Case’s gaze on me when I did look at Ned, the stockbroker who thought it was impressive to tell me about the summerhouse he’s planning on buying.

Ned’s good-looking and charming. He might be fun to hang out with, but after I sipped my martini, I thanked him for the drink and pushed back from the table to leave.

That was when I noticed Case dropping a few bills on the top of the bar before he rushed out of the pub.

I’m back in his apartment now.

I can see a sliver of light creeping out from under the closed door of his bedroom.

I shouldn’t feel as disappointed as I do. I wasn’t expecting more than a few words exchanged between us before I called it a night, but that’s not going to happen.

In his eyes, I’m nothing more than Drake’s younger sister.

Letting out a heavy breath, I step out of my heels. Feeling my phone vibrate in my clutch, I fish it out.

I smile at the text message on the screen from my best friend.

Sandy: Are you living it up right now?

I click the phone icon under her name.

She answers immediately. “I take it that the answer to my question is no . Why aren’t you spending the night with some sexy Manhattan millionaire?”

I laugh. “Technically, I guess I am.”

“What?” She shrieks out the word. “Why are you talking to me? Get back to it. Make me proud.”

Shaking my head, I glance at Case’s bedroom door. “I’m staying with Drake’s best friend until I come home.”

“Why? You went to New York to see your brother. Why aren’t you staying with him?”

I’ll tell Sandy everything when I’m back in Seattle. We’ve been sharing all our ups and downs since we met in middle school. Getting into the details about my brother’s major life change isn’t something I want to do over the phone.