Starla sucks in a sharp breath, "After the comedy show we went to a club to have some drinks and go dancing. When we left, they were outside waiting on us. We tried to walk by, but we couldn't pass, and then one of them said 'You ladies should know better than to walk around without your club.'. They knew who we were, and they had thick accents."
I narrow my eyes and look at my brothers, already having an idea of who's responsible for the attack. "Thick accents? What kind of accents?"
She pauses, trying to remember. "I'm not too sure, but it sounded Hispanic."
"Cuban?" Aesir suggests.
Starla shrugs her shoulders with uncertainty, "Maybe. I can't say for sure."
Magnus interjects, expression growing serious. "Did they say anything else?"
Starla shakes her head, "No, as soon as we could we got the hell out of there, then I called Ivar once we were inside. We weren't sticking around to get any answers."
My voice cuts through the tension, noticing how Magnus' face is beginning to flush red. It does every single time he gets pissed. "You did the right thing. Your safety is the most important thing."
Aesir nods, agreeing with what I'm saying. "Ivar is right," Aesir glances at Magnus, who still seems agitated, then turns to Starla. "If you ladies didn't leave, you could've been hurt even more."
Magnus takes a few deep breaths, visibly trying to calm down before gruffly responding, "Yeah."
Starla sinks back down in the stiff waiting room chair, and I take the seat beside her, throwing an arm around her shoulders.
She looks between us men and confesses something she hasn’t said thus far, “I stabbed one of them in the stomach when he attacked me.”
“What?” I say, completely thrown off guard.
She appears a bit grim and nods, “I didn’t want to, but it was the only way I could get away from him.”
I shake my head, “I’m not disappointed in the least bit. It’s good. You were able to break free and that’s what’s important.”
Across from us, Magnus sits and Aesir takes a spot a couple of seats away from him, forcing some distance between them.
After some tense silence, Magnus finally clears his throat, directing his question at Starla. "Do they come out regularly to give you updates or something?"
"A nurse came out a few minutes before Ivar got here, so I guess they will. I'm not sure."
Before anyone can say anything else, a female police officer approaches us. "Excuse me, miss. We need to talk to you,"
Starla looks at me for guidance and I give her a curt nod, silently telling her to go ahead.
The police officer escorts Starla around the corner where I imagine Starla is giving her a full report.
Meanwhile, the three of us sit anxiously for any news about how the ladies are doing.
We spend the next two hours at the hospital with fluorescent lights flickering above us. There's one thing that never changes about any hospital room I have to sit in: how sterile it feels.
Starla gave the female officer the report she needed, and we've been waiting ever since. Magnus anxiously fumbles with his hands, while Aesir's been quiet as a mouse.
Magnus already called Dag to let him know what happened, while I sent a text off to Runes to give him a heads up. I told him I'd talk to him more about it whenever I get back.
After what feels like an eternity, a female nurse emerges from the double doors leading back into the emergency room.
Her eyes scan our group as she speaks, "Are any of you family of Rayna Wilkinson?"
Magnus rises, "I'm her husband."
I want to roll my eyes at his response. Calling himself her husband is a stretch, but it's the only title that will allow him to go back and see her, or get any sort of update on how she's doing.
"Okay," the woman nods, "Did you want to go speak somewhere a bit more private, or is it okay to talk here?"