“Try the tail or the tips of the horns,” Rafael advised, gesturing above his own head.

My face flushed.

Demons had more erogenous zones than humans. I knew that.

“I’m setting an alarm for thirty minutes,” Eldrich said, holding up his phone. “We’ll be back when it goes off, unless you call us down sooner.”

“We’ll close the door. Basement’s soundproof,” Zander added, already heading up the stairs.

Rafe and Eldrich followed him, and the door closed a moment later.

“It’s just us now,” I said quietly, burying my fingers in the messy strands of Bash’s hair. There was blood in it, but I didn’t let myself think about that. “I need you to touch me.”

I didn’t want to play with his horns without having a conversation about that. He didn’t even want to feed from me, so I was pretty sure his demon form would be off limits.

His chest rumbled, and the arm he had around my ass vanished. A moment later, his hand slid up my thigh and between my folds.

I sucked in a breath at the touch, tightening my grip on his hair.

His cock throbbed against my hip, so much thicker in his demonic form, but he just touched me.

Something sharp dragged over my ass lightly then slapped it, harder. My hips arched, my gaze jerking over my shoulder.

His tail.

He’d spanked me with his tail.

If it wasn’t so hot, and his hands weren’t working my clit like they were made for me, I would’ve laughed.

My desire swelled instead. “Are you hungry, Sebastian?” I breathed.

He rumbled more violently, two of his fingers slamming into my channel roughly.

I choked on the words I’d been about to say, his thumb working my clit so hard I lost control. My cries flooded the room as I rode his fingers, climaxing hard and fast.

“Do you even want me?” My voice was shaky, and I tried to regain control of myself.

“More than I want to keep breathing.” The words were snarled, but they were there.

“Prove it, Bash. Feed from me.”

He roared, and there was so much emotion in it, my eyes stung.

I hadn’t wanted to force him.

I hadn’t wanted to steal his freedom.

To seduce him, yes, but never to take away his choices.

His lips parted as he inhaled deeply, and he staggered backward. The massive, steady, controlled demonstaggered.

His back hit the wall with a heavy thud.

His fingers curled inside me, and my body arched.

He breathed in again, and again, filling himself with my lust.

More cries escaped me as he dragged his thumb over my clit,hard.