Her expression was dark, and… sad.

Thesomethinginside me grew a little.

I decided it was my emotions making a comeback.

A roar below us made my head turn toward an open door that I remembered being locked the night before.

“Help him,” Anastasia said, her voice edging on desperate.

If the supernatural government was coming, we needed to get Sebastian back to his normal self sooner, rather than later.

“How long until they get here?” I asked.

“An hour. Maybe two.”

So I had an hour to get Bash back to normal. I wouldn’t know how difficult that was going to be until I saw him, though.

“I better go,” I said, heading toward the stairs. My knees were still shaking a little, my legs wobbly.

“I’ll help you down,” Miles said, ducking beneath my arm again.

“You’ll stay right where I left you, Sweetheart,” Zander countered, meeting us at the top of the stairs. He had a few bleeding gashes, and more than a few patches of blood on his bare chest and arms. The patches looked to be in various stages of drying.

Miley grimaced and nodded. “Help her, but let go before Bash sees.”

Zander brushed a kiss to the top of her hair before grabbing my elbow. “Easy, Brynn. The last thing we need is for him to find you more damaged than he left you.”

“I’m not damaged.”

“You’re not lusty, and you’re typically lusty. That’s a sign of damage for a demon. Bash will notice.” Zander walked down the stairs with me, his grip on my elbow keeping me steady.

He released me before we reached the bottom steps, and stayed behind me as I carefully made my way down the last few.

When I stepped forward enough to see Bash, I froze.

My heart stopped.

He was in his demon form, with gorgeous, purple wings spread out behind him. Dark horns spiraled from his head, and magical tattoos moved over every visible inch of his skin.

He wasstunning.

I’d never seen him in that form before, so it was new to me, but he was perfect.

His gaze snapped to me, eyes glowing bright red and chest heaving. Looking closer, I saw chains around his wrists and ankles, holding him in place. His hands were covered in blood, and he was cut up even worse than Zander.

“What did you do to him?” I asked, my emotions finally returning with a little more force.

“Stopped him from killing our cousin and earning himself a death sentence in the process,” Zander said. “Supernaturals can’t kill each other without consequences. If the government doesn’t approve the murder, it’s punishable by death.”

Rafael spoke up from where he leaned against the wall. I hadn’t noticed him, but he was close to the stairs, likely guarding them in his typical, casual way. Eldrich was beside him, a little lessrelaxed. “Bash isn’t home right now. Our minds always get a little beastly when we shift, but this is something else altogether. What you see is the basest form of a demon.”

“How do I help him?” I whispered.

Eldrich’s expression was grim. “He can’t hurt you because of your connection. You can try talking to him and touching him. If that doesn’t work, you’re going to have to feed him.”

“I can’t. He doesn’t want to get addicted to me.”

“If the options are addiction or death, we make that choice for him,” Eldrich said. “Him losing control like this puts demons as a whole at risk. The government will understand his fury—but he needs to retain his sanity.”