When I faced him again, the bulge in his pants was bigger. “Damn, that dress.”

“You also said you didn’t trust me in the same house as Anthony.”

“I don’t trusthim. He’s hated me since we were kids. He’ll do whatever it takes to seduce you, now that I’ve so loudly claimed you as mine. He’ll lie. He’ll mislead. He’ll bring up old shit.”

“I’ll handle it, then.”

“No,Iwill handle it. By not letting you out of my sight.”

“You’re going to have to let me out of your sight, because you’re sleeping on the couch,” I said bluntly.

“We’re sharing the bed.” He unbuttoned his slacks, and my gaze fixated on his erection. The slacks slid down, and his boxer-briefs hid almost nothing from me.

Shit, he was gorgeous.

I wanted him,badly.

He inhaled. “Your lust smells incredible.”

My face flushed pink. “Stop, Splash. We’re having a conversation. And we are not sharing the bed. I told you, you don’t get boyfriend privileges when we’re barely friends.”

He strode into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I stopped breathing entirely for a moment, when he stepped out of his boxer-briefs. His back was to me, though it wasn’t hisbackmy eyes were glued to.

His ass.

Holy hell, his ass.

“I’ve decided I’m your boyfriend,” he said stepping into the shower without turning back toward me. It was a walk-in shower with a solid stone wall between us, so I couldn’t see any more of him.

Or his perfect backside, unfortunately.

It took a solid minute for my mind to process what he’d said after he stripped.

“Wait, what? You can’t justdecideyou’re my boyfriend. That’s not how it works.”

“Why not?”

I couldn’t see him, but I could imagine his hands moving over his thick, corded muscles. Sliding over his ass. His cock.

Was it getting hot?

It had to be getting hot.

“Because dating implies that both parties get to decide. You canaskme to be your girlfriend. I can say no.”

“Why would you say no? We’re potential mates, Brynlee. You’re already mine.”

“I’mnotalready yours. I told you, I belong to myself. And as I also told you, our current relationship doesn’t benefit me the way it benefits you. You feed me because you want to, and you stay with me at all times because you promised my brother you’d be his replacement. I?—”

“I know.” His interruption made me pause.

“You know?”

“Yes, I know. You deserve more.” He stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel off a hook on the wall.

My heart dropped into my stomach—or hell, maybe my vagina—at the sight of him entirely naked.

He was perfect.