“Does anyone like being out of control?”

“Some people more than others.”

“Doyoulike being out of control?” I flipped it on him.

“Nope.” He slid the glass over to me. “Which makes me even more pissed that you haven’t been drinking the blood I’ve been draining myself dry to provide for you.”

I bit my lip, nostrils flaring and body trembling as the smell of the blood assaulted my nose. “I drank some of it.”

“Not enough.” He pulled a straw out of the drawer and plopped it in the cup. “Bottoms up.”

I grimaced.

“I’m getting two more bags out if you don’t get to work on that one, Sweetheart.” The threat wasn’t hidden in the slightest.

Though I scowled at him, I lifted the cup and drank.

It was so good, I moaned around the straw.

Zander’s gaze was hot when he filled the cup again.

And again.

And again.

When I finished the fourth bag, I felt just as full as I had withtwelvethe night before.

My body was more relaxed, though. And my hunger had faded much more drastically.

“How do you feel?” His voice was neutral, but his eyes were still hot.

“Fine,” I lied.

Incrediblewas the real answer.

Zander headed back to the freezer for another bag.

“Fantastic,” I blurted. “I feel fantastic. And really, really full. I can’t drink anything else.”

That satisfied him, and he came back to the counter. “What are we going to do about the housing situation?”

I bit my lip. “Can I have a few days to think about it?”


I huffed. “You don’t single-handedly make decisions for us.

“I haven’t tried to.” He leaned forward. “And if you wanted that kind of freedom, you would’ve been feeding yourself properly.”

It pissed me off that he had a point. “Fine. I’ll move into your house, assuming I get to organize anything I want.”

“Sure.” He dipped his head.

“I also get to use your bathtub.”

He blinked.

I’d caught him off-guard with that one.