“You’re touring my house, remember?”


Ihadagreed to that.

I heaved a sigh, and he grinned. “Try not to look so excited, Miles.”

His grin widened when I gave him a deadpanned stare.

He opened my door, taking my hand to help me inside without asking permission.

If he’d asked, I would’ve turned him down.

I appreciated the help anyway, even if I couldn’t admit it aloud.

And also, he smelled incredible. My fangs itched to make themselves known, but I prevented myself from shifting. I wouldn’t admit aloud that I was still hungry, either.

“You can’t tell my friends anything else about my eating habits,” I said, as he pulled out of the lot. “I don’t want them involved. This is my shit to deal with, not theirs.”

“Feed yourself the way you should, and I won’t have anything to tell them.”

“I’m not trying to starve. I just need a stash. And while we’re on the topic, why would you need to stockpile for me?”

“Like it or not, you’re mine to take care of. That requires a freezer full of blood.”

I scowled.

After a moment, he added, “Have you decided which option you’re going with?”

“Three. It’s the only real choice, though I still don’t like it.”

He nodded. “That works.”

He’d written the list, so of course he would think it worked.

“Are you going to tell me why you showed up at my yoga class?”

“According to option three, we’re officially friends.”

“So you show up to my yoga classes?” My voice was dubious.


“That wasnoton the option list.”

“It was implied. Friends do things together.”

I huffed. “You’re a nuisance,Alexander.”

He grinned. “But I’m abeautifulnuisance.”

I couldn’t disagree with that.

“A beautiful nuisance is still a nuisance.”

“Flowers are a beautiful nuisance. Sunshine is too. So are mountains. I could do a hell of a lot worse than being in the same boat as mountains.”

I couldn’t disagree with that, either.