The pain didn’t matter. The hunger didn’t matter. I?—

“I won’t feed from you. Take what you need.” He tapped his neck with a long, thick finger.

Another shudder tore through me.

I couldn’t fight any longer.

So I shifted forms—and I ran.



My legs gaveout a few blocks from the nightclub. It was on the outskirts of town, which left me crashing to my knees on a rough dirt road.

I heard Zander’s footsteps as he slowed from a jog behind me, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

He was going to be pissed.

He was probably going to try to force me to drink from him again.

And if he did, it would work.

My body was too weak for it not to.

“Please leave,” I called over my shoulder, not opening my eyes.

“How much are you eating, Miley?” There was steel in his voice, but it was gentle, too.

“Enough.” It was a lie.

“I’m not leaving without a number.”

I squeezed my eyes tighter.

No way in hell was he getting an answer.

“Give me an answer, or I’ll take you back to your apartment and find it myself.” The softness in his voice was gone, and only steel remained.

“Like hell you will,” I hissed.

“You’re trembling. By looking at you, I’d say there’s a damn good chance you can’t walk. How are you going to stop me?”

“I’m not gray. I’mnotstarving.” The words came out quickly, and angrily. When a vampire starved, we turned to stone. You could see it on our skin; we turned gray.

“Prove it.” He waited.

He could’ve waited all night, and I still couldn’t have proven it.

A shriek escaped me when a pair of hot arms wrapped around me from behind, and his scent engulfed me. My fangs started to throb again, and my body did the same.

“You don’t have to feed on me,” he said as he carried me easily down the road, “But youdohave to drink.”

“Idon’t.” It was a pointless argument.

He was right, I did have to feed.

But I didn’t want to admit he was right, so I argued.