Page 74 of White Noise

“Then there was a guy in a big black car outside the flats—I thought I’d been kidnapped when he whisked me off to this nightmare of a place. No wonder you’re all going crazy here. Your Dave is a funny guy. Didn’t say a word for the first hour, but I asked for a loo break, and he bought me a sandwich. I didn’t even ask. Then he stopped again for coffee, and he told me he’s signed so many NDAs in his career that he doesn’t dare open his mouth in case he says something that would jeopardise his driving gig.”

“Yeah. That’s Dave,” I said, the words merging into a yelp—Matt yelped too—as the water turned cold.

“Bed?” he suggested.

I looked at him. Truly looked at him.

“You came all this way for me.” It wasn’t a question.

And he just nodded. “Yeah. Of course.”

“I…” No wonder I’d struggled to text him. I could barely speak when he looked at me. His face. The sharp angles of his jaw. Those thick, thoughtful eyebrows and those eyes. Too deep. I kissed him. There was nothing else I could do. Well, other than stand there shivering.

“Bed,” he said again. “And food. Want anything to eat?”

“Did anyone feed you?” I had no idea what was happening here, but he pushed me over to the bed, then got in beside me and pulled the duvet over us, snuggling close.

“Whatever you need, I am always here for you. You just have to ask. I’ve eaten—the receptionist was very accommodating. I almost ordered you an omelette. With extra egg. But then I was worried it would go cold before you got back.”

He made me laugh, and it was just so comforting I almost burst into tears again. I had no idea what was wrong with me. All these emotions were…ugh.

“I…want to be better at looking after you,” I snuffled out.

“You look after me fine. I’m kind of figuring out how you work. We don’t have to be joined at the hip. As long as you’re you and I’m me and we’re together, we’ll just do fine. And anyway, I got a chauffeur-driven mini-break to a…fine hotel in Norfolk.”

“Fine hotel.” I snorted. “The windows leak, the bed is hard as rocks, and the breakfast buffet consists of frozen toast. Not a croissant in sight.”

“You’re so bloody spoilt.”

“I am,” I agreed. “Especially since you’re here. How on earth did you get here?” I was just musing, but he still kissed me. Stroked down my cheek. Did everything I needed him to.

“I think Ollie’s right,” he said carefully, like he was contemplating his words. “I’ve never been in a relationship before, and neither have you, so maybe we need to set some rules, so we know where we stand.”

“No bloody threesomes.”

He laughed. “Absolutely not. Ignore anything Ollie says.”

“And no hook-ups,” I added as he got up on his elbow and arranged himself so he could look at me. The soft light from the bedside table made him look almost unreal. I’d been so full of anxiety and doubt this week that somehow, I’d forgotten how stunning he was. How perfect he looked, even here in this horrible place. A place that was less horrible now he was here.

“No hook-ups,” he agreed in that soft voice of his.

“Aisha said no more presents. That you don’t need things, just me. I think that’s the same for me too. I don’t need anything else as long as I get to be with you.”

I had no idea what I was saying. Well, I did.

“You have me.” He stroked my cheek again, his fingertips travelling over my lips.

“I’m doing the Pride parade in London. I’ve told my agent to scrap the rest. I’m going to be on theWhite Noisefloat waving a bloody rainbow flag, and I don’t care about anything else. I’m tired, Matt. I’m so bloody tired of being other people. I want to start being me. Doing things I want to do. I need to get off the merry-go-round and do things that make me happy.”

“That sounds like a good plan,” he said, quietly watching me with his eyebrows all raised.

“Yes. It is. I’m going to stand on that float with a shirt saying something like—”

“Matt’s boyfriend?” He laughed. “No. Don’t do that. That would be really cheesy.”

“I was thinking maybe something a little more subtle, but I can totally order a ‘Matt’s boyfriend’ T-shirt. Anything to make you happy.”

I loved seeing him laugh. I loved feeling his skin against mine.