Page 71 of White Noise

“Hey,” I said weakly.

“OK, dude? Matt says you’re away working, so I’ll give you that, but seriously?”

“What?” I sounded defensive. I hadn’t meant to.

“Rules, mate. Rules.”

“What rules?” I wasn’t just dumb. I was full-blown stupid.

“If you’re dating my brother, then there are rules. You don’t diss him and you don’t ignore him, and you ring him every morning and every night and you bloody tell him that you love him. I’m getting pissed off with Matt being a nervous wreck because you seem to have lost the ability to use your phone.”

“I lost it.” It was a poor excuse.


I took a breath. And another one.

“I warned you what would happen if I had to spend the whole weekend in the garden with Matt whining.”

He had. I remembered.

“If you’re messing him around, I will hunt you down and hurt you.”

Ollie was terrifying. Even his voice sent shivers up my spine.

“I’m not,” I whispered.

“I will hurt you, and it will…hurt.”

Not so terrifying then.

“Ollie, mate.” I was trying not to laugh, even though it wasn’t really funny.

“He’s upset!” Ollie shrieked down the phone.

“I know, and I don’t know what to do about it!” I shrieked back.

“You’re such a dumbass.”

“Asshat,” I retaliated. “I saw your comment on Insta.”

There’d been several, actually, from someone called Oliver Winston on my official Instagram account.

“I thought you celebs didn’t look at your social media.”

“Well, thisdumbassdoes. And I do know how to use my phone. I’m just bloody new to all this relationship stuff, and I’m a chicken because I don’t know how to not be bloody clingy and overbearing and all that.”

“All that.” he laughed. “Mate, you’re a mess.”

“A mess?” My voice was pathetic. I was pathetic. “I miss him. And I’ve rung him twice, actually.”

His laughter was not kind.

“I have rung him twice! The rest of the time, I’ve been on set and there’s no signal where we are, and my runner is really annoyed with me because I keep asking if she has signal, and even my driver keeps putting his phone away as soon as I’m near. The whole set is in meltdown, and the director is off his head. We’re all being worked to the bone, and I just want to go home and be with Matt.”

“Yeah. Being with Matt is not your job. You have to work. I get that. But ringing him twice in a week is not good enough. You’re with him, and you need to put some effort in.”

“I don’t want to ring him in the middle of the night.” That was a feeble excuse. I could tell just saying the words out loud. The truth was I had almost called him in the middle of the night. Every fucking night.