Why would he have fur there and under his arms, but nowhere else? That’s inefficient. What is the purpose? And where is his vestigial sac? Does he not have a place to hold and develop young?I picked up one of his legs, searching underneath.Maybe there? What is this hole for if not for mating?
My cock started to stir at the mere suggestion that I breed my mate, but that wasn’t why I’d dragged him away.
No. We aren’t animals. Papa taught us to be better.
But Papa hurt us. Papa was cruel. He taught us pain, fear, and violence. He knew nothing of what it meant to be irqed.
I shook my head and squeezed my groin plates together.No. We must not be cruel like Papa.
I repositioned my mate, searching for the wound my stinger had left behind and finding it on the left side in the meat of the muscle. The spot was red and swollen, a small pocket already forming as his body attempted to fight the venom. There was still time to get it out.
My gripper tentacles slithered free from where I kept them wrapped around my forearms and curled around his thighs, holding him in place. I tried to ignore how close I was to all the parts of him I desperately wanted to bury myself in and let my tongue roll out from where I kept it tucked in the back of my jaws. It was covered in tiny spines which were more than capable of slowly coaxing the venom out. All I had to do was apply pressure with my tongue and lap it up, so that was what I did.
This is the worstrim job I’ve ever had, I thought blearily.He’s not even licking the right spot. Go about two inches to the right, would you?
Wait a minute. Why does my everything hurt? And why is it so damn cold? This isn’t my bed.
I was even more confused when I opened my eyes. I was in some sort of giant bird’s nest made of branches, leaves, and other random odds and ends. A blue plastic tarp was half over me, while my other half was completely naked. Beyond the nest, firelight flickered on a cave wall. Damp wood popped somewhere nearby, and smoke drifted up through a narrow hole in the ceiling that looked as if it’d been carved out on purpose.
Why in the hell would I be in a cave getting my ass eaten? Either that new strain of weed has more of a kick than even I realized or…
My eyes widened as it all came back to me in a flood of spotty memories. The generator. The fall. Honor showing up. Getting half drowned…
Oh my fucking god. A ghost is licking my ass cheek. Why is he doing that?
Maybe the better question was why my dick was getting hard from it.
What the hell was I going to do?
Well, I suppose that depends on whether this ghost is eating me oreatingme.I was down for kinky ghost sex, even if I had to give some guidance, but I was definitely not okay with being on some hungry ghost’s dinner menu.
The ghost did have a very nice tongue, though. Oddly long and thin. And maybe forked? Huh. What would that feel like probing my hole?
Focus, Axel. I bit my lip to keep myself more grounded, and maybe in the hopes that it’d stop my dick from turning to steel. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much about the latter problem. I really needed to get laid.
“Um. Excuse me, Mr. Ghost?” I winced. If I was about to get eaten, I really hoped those weren’t going to be my last words.
The licking suddenly stopped, much to my stupid dick’s disappointment. I was hard as granite.
I slowly turned my head and locked eyes with…something.
The creature was tall and lean, with shiny black skin. It had a round head, most of which was taken up by large white eyes. A glowing bulb hung from a drooping tentacle in the center of his forehead, the end flashing yellow. His top jaw was all jagged teeth like a shark, but he had a massive underbite, which was also filled with dozens of razor-sharp teeth. Between those two rows of deadly piranha teeth, the tip of a blue, veiny tongue stuck out.
Aw. He’s sticking his tongue out like a cat that got interrupted in the middle of bathing itself.I had the strangest urge to reach out, poke his tongue and say, “Boop!”
We stared at each other for half a second, maybe a little more. Just as soon as I started to process some of what I was looking at before hevanished.
“Wait!” I scrambled to sit up, then remembered I was naked, and my dick was very obviously hard, and scrambled to cover it with the tarp.
For the record, tarps as modesty garments get a zero out of ten from me. Do not recommend.
“Hey, come back!” My voice bounced off the cave walls. “You can’t go. I don’t know where I am. If you leave me out here naked, I could freeze to death.”
Leaves rustled off to my right, and I turned just in time to see a patch of distorted air shift.
Ah-ha! Got you.
Keeping the tarp over my lap, I shifted to face where I thought the ghost was. “Hey,” I offered, more gently. “You don’t have to be afraid. I promise I won’t hurt you.” I cringed, remembering how I’d hit it with a bat. “Sorry about the bat. I was just a little freaked out, is all. And probably too high to be thinking straight. Not that I ever think straight because I’m not.”