Page 3 of Kindred Spirits

I never should’ve let it get that far. It was just supposed to be fucking, but then we started talking afterward, started hanging out. There started to befeelings, at least on my side. I knew he didn’t feel the same way, which only made it more awkward that we kept hooking up. Neither of us seemed to know how to end it gracefully and remain friends.

Ben had seemed a safe bet when I placed the call, but now I realized I actually kind of liked him. Not romantically. Don’t get me wrong. He was hot for a subby-nerdy type of guy, but he wasn’t my usual type by any means. Then again, Robert hadn’t been either. I usually liked guys who could manhandle me a bit more. Considering I was six-six and could bench four twenty-five on a good day, there weren’t too many dudes out there who could toss me around like I wanted. Unfortunately, that meant that despite my preferences, I was often the de facto top. It was just easier.

Where was I going with that train of thought?

Oh right. Ben. Not my preferred type.

Desperate times and all that.

“Actually,” I finally said, “I was thinking…”

Ben’s eyes widened. “Oh, fuck. Is this a booty call? It is, isn’t it? Fuck. Um.” His cheeks flushed.

Shit, I’d better backpedal. “Sorry if you don’t swing that way. I guess I just assumed…”

“No, no. It’s not that. I’m grade-A never touched a pussy in my life gay. It’s just…Fuck,” he muttered, running his fingers through his hair. “How do I say this nicely?”

“I’m not your type?” I supplied.

“It’s not that you’re not good looking. I mean, you are. You arehot.”

I may have preened a little as he looked me up and down appreciatively.

“But,” Ben continued, with a sigh. “Axel, you’ve got big power bottom energy, and it’s like, not my thing. I’m into…” He hummed and rolled his hand forward. “Less Captain America and more Loki vibes. Get it?”

“You think I’m like Cap?”

“I dunno.” He shrugged. “But you’re no Loki.”

“Fair enough,” I said with a shrug and then hesitated as it registered what he’d said. “Wait. Loki is gay?”

Ben stared at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead. It was so convincing a look, I actually had to reach up and check. When I found my forehead was smooth as always, I let out a relieved sigh.

“Dude. Loki is canonically bi and gender fluid. Like, even in Norse mythology. He literally gave birth. I think more than once. How do you not know this?”

I felt my face warm slightly, and I looked away with another shrug. “I don’t watch a lot of newer movies. They’re kind of hard for me to follow. I just sort of zone out, you know?”

Ben snorted and lifted his screwdriver. “Anyway, most people would tell me Cap isn’t queer, but hesois. Hashtag: Stucky Stan.” He picked up the bong again and took another hit.

“I had no idea you were so into superheroes,” I said, and then instantly felt stupid. Here I was trying to fuck the guy, and I knew next to nothing about him.

“Mmm. It’s more the villain thing. I need a man who’ll make me get on my knees and worship him like a god. Or else.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “And I definitely intend to test theor elsebit.”

“Um. Yeah. That’s not my thing. I mean, I can do bondage, but I’m not so much intohittinganddegradation. I’d feel too guilty.”

He shrugged. “I just figure the evangelicals each have enough guilt to cover ten of me, so I’m good.” He tugged on the collar of his shirt. “Seriously though. Is it getting insanely hot in here or is that me?”

I didn’t think it was that warm inside, but he was sweating like crazy. His face was all red, too.

Before I could answer, he shook his head. “What the fuck? What kind of weed did you say this was?”

“Ben?” I stood with a frown. “Are you okay?”

He swayed back and forth, blinking quickly. “Yeah, just… Fuck.” He groaned and collapsed.

Shit. I rushed to his side, putting two fingers to his neck. His pulse was good and strong, his breathing even. Actually, he wassnoring. When I lifted his arm, it fell back down limply.

Well, fuck. That last hit must’ve knocked him out.I knew the new blend was strong, but I didn’t think it was that good. Of course, Ben was just a human, and fae plants probably didn’t have the same effect on him as they did me. If I was going to sell the stuff, I’d have to cut it more with a little more plain Mary Jane.