Page 37 of Kindred Spirits

My discomfort quickly morphed into anger. Not at Ghost; it wasn’t his fault. I was pissed at Parker for hurting him, for being alive, for everything. That motherfucker deserved to have years of experiments performed on him. It’d be fucking justice. It’d be…

Fuck. I wiped a hand over my face, trying to calm the fire burning through me. I hadn’t been that angry in a long time, and it usually took a lot to get me that riled up. “I should go get that shower,” I muttered and glanced up at Ghost, trying not to notice how his bulb had changed colors from red to a cool blue. “You need anything?”

He shook his head, making the light bounce around the blanket fort.

“All right. Well, you know where I’ll be if you change your mind.”

I crawled out fromthe blanket fort feeling stupid and useless. Was there anything I hadn’t screwed up in the last twenty-four hours? How could I be such a fucking disaster?

I went into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. Instead of my normal steamy hot shower, I opted for a more tepid temperature. Maybe that’d finally cool me down. My skin prickled as I stepped into the cool water, pulling tight against my body. I braced myself against the shower wall and stood there, trying to let all the tension go down the drain with the water. It wasn’t working. I didn’t know what the fuck was wrong with me, but I really wished it’d quit.

I let out a deep breath and leaned forward, letting my forehead rest against the shower wall, trying to will my muscles to relax. I was wound so tight it was starting to hurt.

I don’t know how long I stayed like that, but it was long enough that I must’ve zoned out. What finally pulled me out of it was the faint tickle of breath against the back of my neck.

My eyes snapped open, and I started to stand up, but before I could move, there were dark tentacles pinning my wrists to the shower wall. More tightened around my thighs and jerked my legs wide and another curled around my throat but didn’t squeeze. The soft edge of the tentacle wrapped around my neck tilted my chin up enough that I could see Ghost’s head looming over me. Knowing it was him sent an instant wave of calm through me, followed closely by a surge of lust that had my dick perking right up.

His tongue slithered out from between his teeth, and he licked over my lips before dipping his tongue briefly inside my mouth.

“Ghost,” I started, but choked when I felt another slick tentacle slide between my ass cheeks. I wound up shuddering and groaning out a curse as it slithered over my hole. “Fuck.”

“Yes?” Ghost asked, repeating the action.

“Fuck, yes,” I breathed.

Ghost’s chest rumbled, and he pushed his tongue into my mouth again, stealing my breath away. I grunted as his tentacle gently probed at my entrance and tried to shift on my tiptoes to give him better access. I expected the usual slight burn and flash of mild pain that came whenever anything else breached my body, but it never happened. His tentacle wriggled into my body easily, slathering me with some sort of natural lubricant.

I fought not to squirm at the unfamiliar sensation of something cool invading my body, something that was markedly different from a cock, tongue, or toy. Once I got used to it, though, I found I might’ve liked it better than any of those things. For one thing, the temperature difference was akin to the eggs I sometimes used, and I knew I liked those. Having that frame of reference helped. Plus, the tentacle was shaped completely different, and way more flexible. I didn’t feel like my body was fighting against it, but rather the other way around, like he was more easily conforming to the shape of me.

Another tentacle probed against my hole, ready to join the first, while a third slowly circled my cock. “Yes?” Ghost asked, and licked slowly up the back of my neck.

My answer was an encouraging moan and another breathless, “Yes.”

There was the familiar sting of being stretched and filled by somethingotherand fuck if I didn’t enjoy every second of it, especially when he started working those tentacles in and out of me at an alternating pace. Pre-cum started to drip from my cock, and he swept his tentacle through it, using it to ease the slow slide of his tentacle up and down my length. Too slow. Everything was too slow, too gentle. I knew he was still holding back on me, but did I dare ask for more? I didn’t want to scare him away again.

I bit my lip and tried to move my hips to thrust so I could get more friction. He responded with an irritated huff and closed tentacles around my waist, yanking my ass back so I couldn’t move. Ghost growled and lowered his teeth next to my ear with a loud warning snap that made me flinch. For some reason, it also made my cock start to leak more. I couldn’t fucking take it. I needed more than the torturously slow exploration he was giving me.

“Ghost,” I turned my head as one of his tentacles crawled up to caress my cheek. I whined miserably and let my head fall forward, wishing for the relief of the cold shower wall. “I need more. Please?”

He huffed out a heavy breath and shuffled closer, pressing his body against mine. I stilled when I felt his bodyshiftbehind me, the plates at his groin moving aside. A second later, something long and hard settled against my lower back and a pale blue glow filled the shower.

Wait, a glow?

What the fuck?

I twisted in his grip and my eyes widened when I saw his dick did indeed glow in the dark. Or rather, his…tentacle? It unfurled from behind the plates at his groin, thicker and a little more rigid than the others and covered in little bright blue bumps that lit up whenever the shower water hit them. It was longer than his other tentacles, too. Fuck, if he put that inside me, he really would have to rearrange my guts, maybe literally.

“Ghost, you’re beautiful.”

It was the first time I’d ever called anybody’s reproductive organs beautiful, but it was. I tried to imagine what it would be like, seeing that in the cold, dark depths of a lake or ocean. It must’ve been even more beautiful there.

I bit my lip and reached to touch it, but he jerked it away, curling it back up tightly.

I frowned. “Sorry. I…”

“Sensitive,” he warned and unfurled the tentacle in my direction again.

Carefully, I wrapped my fingers around it, watching the lights react to the contact. Not only was it beautiful, but it was hella cool and fun to play with. I smiled and moved my hand over the cool, smooth flesh, watching the lights flash and fade with every touch. It was covered in a light, slippery substance that didn’t wash away in the bath water.