Page 26 of Kindred Spirits

“He’s too dangerous now,” continued the other man. “It’s time for this pet project of yours to end.”

“If I just had more time—”

“You’ve had plenty of time,” the other man growled. “The crown works. We want all your effort into honing that for use and dominating the queen.”

Papa lowered his hand, making a fist. “You’re asking me to throw away decades of research. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to make this much progress with one of these beasts?”

“Put it down,” demanded the other man. “Or I will. You have until Christmas.”

After the man left, there was only Papa, and he seemed sad. I tried to comfort him, but the beast that had taken over my mindwouldn’t let me. Instead, I snarled and fought, desperate to feel his skin shredding between my claws.

He sighed and shook his head before turning his back to me. “What a waste.” He nodded to someone I couldn’t see, and then there was pain. Electricity. More than before. Too much! I was boiling, hurting, burning!

And Papa was gone.

And then the electricity was off.Everythingwas off.

I flew through the cage, cloaked myself in invisibility, and tore through the halls, ripping apart every human I found. It didn’t matter to me that some of them were probably innocent and had no idea that I existed. I didn’t care. The bloodlust was absolute.

I looked down at the tomato sauce coating my claws, remembering the feeling of tearing through soft human flesh, the smell of viscera, the taste of blood, bathing in it. Reveling in the murder of sentient beings. Of helplesshumans.

Humans who kept me captive, hissed the angry voice in my head.Who tortured me. They deserved worse.

I gripped my head and shook it, trying to will the bad thoughts away.

They deserved to be put in cages and hit with lightning sticks! They all do, and you know it!

Shaking my head wildly, I clawed my way over the couch, bringing Honor and Ziggy to alert.

“What’s wrong?” Honor demanded, but I couldn’t answer.

The rage inside, I could feel it trying to claw its way to the surface. I had to get away. Had to go somewhere safe. But where was safe?

The lake! The cold, dark depths would silence my anger.

I let my cloak fall into place, hiding me from the world, and darted through the closed door, loping toward the lake behind Axel’s house at full speed. The rage snarled and clawed and fought, but I stuffed it down until…

Breaking through the surface of the water was like jumping through glass: all needles and sharp edges. Numbness spread briefly into my limbs before the shock wore off and I remembered where I was and why I had come. I dove into the lake, and far away from the human world. Far away from the blood and screaming and the bad things I had done. The cold and darkness embraced me, and I was home but for one thing: my mate. If only he could know the comfort of the dark as I did. Then, life would be perfect.

“What’s the weirdest sexthing you’ve ever done?” I lowered the weight I’d been doing reps with.

Ursula, my co-worker, shrugged and sprayed down the weight bench for the fifth time. No one had used it all day, but we were supposed to at least look like we were working in case the owners pulled the security footage. “I had sex with a dude once before I realized I was a lesbian. That was pretty weird. Why? You do some kinky shit this weekend?”

All in all, the gym was a cushy job. The pay was shit, but most customers didn’t interact with us except to get keys to the workshop rooms. During the week, the place was practically a ghost town, which meant my job was to clean and look pretty.

I especially liked working with Ursula. She was five three, pleasantly fluffy in the most huggable way, and always wore her hair in some crazy color. Literally the furthest thing from all the dudebro gym rats that stank up the place most days. She was also a hardcore goth lesbian, which meant we could talk about weird sex stuff and it wasn’t… well, weird.

“I always do kinky shit. You know that,” I said offhandedly and reached to tie up my hair a little better.

I eyed Ursula, wondering just how much I could tell her without her calling the cops on me for losing my damned mind. It wasn’t her business, but I really wanted to talk to someone about what’d been happening. Someone who wasn’t Honor.

“You know, I dated this girl once who was into monsters?” I said, testing the waters. It seemed a safe angle to play.

She looked up from wiping down the weight bench. “Like werewolves and vampires? I dig it.”

“Nah, I mean like actual fuckin’ monsters. Fucking scarecrows and demons and shit. Aliens too. Like, she was obsessed with this series of books with blue dudes on the cover. How’s a guy supposed to compete with aliens who have vibrating cocks?”

She made a face and arched her painted eyebrows. “Dude. Dicks are weird enough. Don’t make ‘em weirder. Now tentacles…” She tipped her head and gave an approving nod.