Page 22 of Kindred Spirits

Maybe I could sell it as getting fucked by a ghost. That had to be a kink, right? Someone out there was into it.

But nah, another time. I was peopled out and wanted this to be my me-time, so I considered one of my personal favorites: the ovipositor. It was essentially a phallic shaped egg laying tube that inserted gel eggs that I kept in one of those tiny, dorm-sized fridges tucked into the corner of the room.

And yeah, the eggs went exactly where you’d think.

It felt amazing to be completely stuffed full of something, and the fantasy of being bred was one of my favorites, so I selected a thick semi-rigid tentacle and a few medium-sized eggs from the fridge.

As I sat on the edge of the bed, in frame of the cameras, stroking my cock to attention, my mind drifted back to Ghost and the hungry way he’d dipped his tongue inside me. At the time, the sensation was too much for me to decide if I liked it or not, but now that there was some distance, I decided Ilovedit. Not because of the feeling itself; that’d take some getting used to. It was a mental thing.

It was so rare that anyone would even try to dominate me that I’d forgotten how much I loved it. People looked at me and saw a big, strong guy and automatically relegated me to the top role. Most of the time, I didn’t mind as long as everybody was happy,but sometimes I just wanted to be used and abused, treated like a fucking whore to be kept captive and bred.

Maybe it was a weird fantasy for a guy to have, but it was mine and Ghost had been dangerously close to fulfilling it.

I grabbed the lube from beside me, coating my fingers. My long hair tickled my ass as I tipped my head back, building the fantasy in my mind. I’d have to be bound, which I sadly couldn’t do myself, but I could pretend. Bound, gagged, and held captive in a dark cave, not unlike where I’d woken up after Ghost took me there. Naked, afraid, alone. Helpless and totally exposed.

“Fuck,” I murmured and turned around, giving the camera my back so I didn’t have to show my face.

I leaned forward, resting all my weight on my knees, and slowly worked a sick finger into my hole, teasing it open. In my head, it wasn’t my finger, though. I was imagining Ghost’s tongue sliding into my body, pushing me open for him. Adding a second finger, I imagined it was one of his tentacles and started rocking back against it, burying my face in the mattress to keep my moans from echoing out into the main room. I wished I was alone in the cabin, and that Honor and Ziggy had gone to stay in the van after all. Then I could be as loud as I wanted. People loved hearing me moan. It was always in the comments, how hot it was, but that wasn’t why I did it. It just came out naturally. Being quiet just wasn’t in me.

Just as I was really getting into it, there was a burst of hot air against the back of my neck like a breath.

I shot up with a small shout of surprise, but there was nothing above me. Blinking like I’d just woken up from sleep, I looked around the room, two fingers still in my ass. “Ghost?”

No answer.

I chewed on my lip. Maybe I’d imagined it.

Fuck, how hot would it be if he just sneaked into my room to help while I was recording? Did I want that? I mean, yeah.Of course I did. I was hot as hell for it, but did I want to make a video of it? Maybe. If the video didn’t turn out, I could always just keep it for myself. A little private movie for my own enjoyment.

I relaxed against the mattress, got more lube, and slid my fingers back into my hole, pumping slowly. My fingers glided over my prostate, making my cock leak and drawing out a low moan from me. “Fuck, I need somebody to fill me up with something much bigger.”

The dialogue was mostly for the camera. It was cheesy as fuck, but I’d never claimed to be a great dirty talker. People still ate it up, though. Videos where I did a lot of talking always did better.

I grabbed the toy and flipped it upside down inside the camera view, coating the inside with lube before dropping in an egg. More lube, another egg… I put in three in all before inserting the little plunger into the end that would push them inside of me.

“I sure hope no invisible monster comes by to breed my ass,” I said in a sarcastic tone.

There was an airy snort off to the right of the bed, the only confirmation that Ghost really was there and invisible. I turned my head in that direction, looking at the slightly distorted space where he must’ve been standing. For some reason, knowing I had a live audience was suddenly much hotter. I couldn’t get the toy in me fast enough. While trying to shove it in, I fumbled it and it slipped out of my hands, falling to the bed just out of reach.

I let out an annoyed sigh. That was going to have to get edited out, or I’d look like an idiot.

While I was still trying to recover from the fumble, an invisible tentacle reached out to caress my forearm, almost like a question.

“Don’t be shy,” I whispered. “Help a guy out.”

There was a small growl and then something heavy pushed into my back, pinning me to the bed. All the air left my lungs with a loud grunt. Invisible tentacles whipped out, curling around my thighs and forcing them apart while he held me down. More of them closed around my wrist, pulling my fingers from my body. He pinned my arms to my back, circling more tentacles around them to hold them in place. As soon as my fingers were gone, the blunt end of the toy pressed against my entrance, slightly chilled from the eggs and slippery all over.

Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck. The only way this could be hotter would be if it wasn’t the toy he was about to push into me, but one of his tentacles.

My cock gave an eager twitch. “Please…” I heard myself whine as I pushed back against it, trying to get him to breach my body with the toy. Why was he holding back now after that initial show of force? Maybe he was waiting for permission. “Please, Ghost. Put it in me,” I pleaded and tried to bear down on the toy.

Ghost replied with a light snort, his tentacles tightening around my thighs. Even that felt good, like fleshy ropes holding me in place. I couldn’t escape him even if I wanted to, and that was just how I wanted it.

I sucked in a sharp breath as he eased the toy inside of me. I’d used this one before, but it felt bigger than the last time for some reason. In my hurry, I probably hadn’t prepped enough, but I almost didn’t care. I wanted it to hurt a little. Ghost seemed to understand that it wasn’t easy and stilled the toy once it was inside me, giving me a minute to adjust. Cool leathery skin came to rest on my back as he nuzzled the side of his face against me.

“Good?” he asked quietly.

Sweat beaded on my forehead, but I nodded. “Go slow. And when I tell you, push the plunger until I say stop.”