I’d always wondered if he resented being saddled with raising me after my parents died, if that was the reason he’d run off as soon as I was near legal age. It’d seemed like he couldn’t get away from me fast enough.
And now here he was, back with another monster, as if the big furry cat guy could somehow replace my dad.
I took another long drag on the joint and turned away to blow out the smoke nice and slow before mumbling, “Congrats.”
“Axel…” He took a step toward me.
Before he could close the distance, I got up out of the chair and went to the door. Looking back at him, I asked, “Are you going to behave yourself in my house?”
He bristled slightly before tucking his hands in his pockets and giving a shrug. “Can’t promise anything except I’ll do my best.”
I sighed. That was as good as I was going to get from him, so I threw open the door. There was no sign of Ghost where I’d left him, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t there. Just meant he’d gone invisible. “Okay, Ghost. You can come in.”
I waited for a rush of air past me, or the sound of heavy footsteps on the porch, some indication that he had come in.
The only sound was a small gasp behind me.
I turned and saw Ghost finish materializing out of thin air right in front of Honor, who took a step back. “Behave,” I said and swung the door shut.
Ghost growled at Honor, who took another step back before falling, wide-eyed, onto the couch next to Ziggy.
I put a hand on Ghost’s arm, tracing up his leathery bicep to grip his shoulder. “Ghost, this is Honor, my pop and his…husband, Ziggy.” I had to bite out the wordhusband. “Honor, Ziggy, this is Ghost.”
Ziggy stood, and I was surprised when I realized he was just as tall as Ghost. He hadn’t looked it while sitting down. The two of them eyed each other for a moment before Ziggy put a fist to his chest and lowered his head. Ghost let out three quick barks of sound that left the hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge, but he seemed pleased by the gesture and slinked back a half step.
“Great,” I said and sank back onto the beanbag chair to pop more sugar cubes. “Now that everybody’s friends, who wants pizza?”
None of my guestshad any taste whatsoever, so I got a pineapple, olive, and mushroom pizza all to myself. Honor and Ziggy dug into their meat lover’s pizza in minutes between the two of them, and Ghost seemed happy with the extra anchovy pizza I got for him.
Everybody sat around, throwing anxious looks at each other, eating in tense silence. I was used to the quiet, living alone, but this was ridiculous.
“Was Ben still here when you guys broke in?” I asked Honor.
He popped a ball of sausage into his mouth. “Who’s Ben?”
I lifted an eyebrow. “Asian guy. Five-two. Glasses. Might’ve been passed out on my floor?”
“Son, you’ve got to choose your partners better,” he commented before Ziggy elbowed him.
“There was no one here when we came in,” Ziggy reported politely.
I grunted and got out my phone to shoot him a quick text asking if he was okay. I normally didn’t like to use my phone at the house, but I was too tired to drive out to where I normally did my texting. If the government was tracing me through my cell phone, then so be it. It’d be the least of my problems that day.
“Didn’t find your friend, but we did have a look around,” Honor said. “And I thought I owned a lot of dildoes.” He mumbled the last part.
Ziggy looked like he wanted to die of embarrassment. Maybe I should’ve too, but it was past me to care about what other people thought of my sexual preferences. Unless I was banging them, it was none of their damn business.
“Yeah, well…Everybody’s got to have a hobby,” I muttered.
“A hobby is knitting or stamp collecting, son. Not dildo collecting.”
“Stop calling me son,” I growled. “It’s Axel.”
Honor flinched but lowered his head, tucking back into his dinner.
My phone dinged with a reply from Ben, and I breathed a sigh of relief until I opened the text and a flurry of them followed.
Ben H