“You’re perfect, you know that?” he growls, holding me in place, even though I can’t see much of him.
“Not even,” I deny, but that only earns me a low sound of disapproval from Jed.
“Okay then.” He pulls away, leaving me empty and confused before I scramble to fix my sweatpants while he presumably fixes his jeans, by the sound of his movements.
“What? Are you mad?” The response wasn’t what I’d expected, and I watch as he scoops up the wayward flashlight from the ground.
And then, in the darkness, he suddenly scoops me up over his shoulder, my breath leaving me in a harshoomphas my stomach hits his shoulder. “I could never be mad at you, Saylor,” Jed promises me, taking off from the large tree and the spot where the poachers caught up to me. “But I told you before, didn’t I?I’m not done with you. And clearly I need to teach you just how perfect you are. No matter how long it takes for the lesson to stick.”
“You can’t carry me like this the whole way back!” I protest, though there’s definitely no complaint in the words as I grip his shirt in one hand, fingers bunching the material.
“Why can’t I?” Jed asks, his steps sure as he walks through the dark woods. “Can’t have you getting lost out here again, Saylor. Especially not when there are so many things I still intend to do with you.” I can hear the barely camouflaged excitement and want in his voice, and it sends a thrill through my stomach.
“Because…I’m heavy?” I offer. “I can walk, and?—”
“You’re not heavy,” Jed interrupts. “But you know why I’m not putting you down?”
“Why’s that?” I ask, breathless even though I’m not the one actually walking or doing any of the work.
“Because I can’t have you forgetting that you’re mine.”
Fuck.The words send tingles of heat down my spine, and I press my thighs together against his chest, glad he can’t see my face. My body throbs, and I’m close to begging him to put me down, throw me against the nearest tree, and fuck me again.
But the fact that I’m really starting to feel the cold seals my mouth shut, and I focus on not making a fool of myself, while simultaneously being amazed that he never shows signs of me being too heavy for him. He carries me all the way to the cabin, and though I can’t exactly see the structure itself, I see the lights bathing the gravel outside of the cabin in warm, orange light.
“You going to put me down now?” I ask, when he stops at the door to shift his grip on me.
“Nope.” Jed doesn’t sound like it was ever a question. He opens the door, brings me inside, and kicks it closed behind him without even turning to look at it. “Not yet. And don’t go off about that ‘you’re too heavy’ crap again, princess.” He chuckles softly, and facing backward, I can only blink in the sudden light, still having no real idea or clue of where we’re going.
Though, from this angle, I do have a very nice view of his ass. It’s really a perfect ass to go along with the perfect expanse of the rest of him.
A gasp is tugged from my mouth when he starts going up the stairs. I hadn’t expected that. If anything, I’d expected him to drop me onto the sofa.
“After this…” Jed’s tone is conversational, and I swear he must be superhuman not to show any kind of strain in his voice from carrying me for this long. “I’ll feed you. Maybe not homemade pasta, but you haven’t eaten much today. Any requests?”
“I am so easy to please,” I assure him, blinking again in the warm light. It really has been hours since I saw more than darkness so absolute I’d thought it was the inside of my eyelids more than once. “You could seriously just stock the fridge with Lunchables?—”
“I’m banning that word,” he mutters, interrupting me. “Do you like grilled cheese?”
“Is that…a real question?” I blink at the floor and his perfect ass. “Doesn’teveryonelike grilled cheese? But are we talking American cheese on white bread, or…?”
I canfeelhis full body shudder seconds before he grips me with both hands, bends forward, and throws me backward. The action forces a yelp out of me that’s louder than I intend as I’m suddenly falling.
Though, the fear doesn’t last long. Neither does the fall. My back hits the mattress of his bed, and I stare up at him with wide eyes as he stands over me, a smile on his face.
“We’re banning that too. American cheese?” His nose scrunches up in disgust. “Might as well just eat plastic and call it a day.”
“Well, I am so sorry, Mr. Fancy-pants chef,” I drawl, using my elbows for leverage so I can sit up just enough to stare him down. “I do not mean to offend your delicate sensibilities.”
“Oh, I’m very offended,” he assures me, ripping off his shirt as I watch. “You think I’d cook with that? Let alone keep it in my house?” I can barely focus on his words. No matter how much I love his banter when he’s in this kind of mood, watching him strip for me is definitely better.
Though, the moment I can see his body, my breath catches in my throat. He sees the look on my face. The worry, and a soft, self-conscious smile curls on his lips. “Does it bother you?” Jed is quick to ask, and I can’t miss the note of uncertainty in his voice.
“It bothers me because it looks like they hurt.” I reach out, as if to touch his chest marred by thin lines of scars. “But not because it makes you any less gorgeous.”