Page 42 of Delicious

Nor is it Jed.

A brunet with the same lithely muscled build as Wren stands on the other side of the glass, meeting my gaze with furrowed brows and a bemused look on his face. His arms are folded, his hair cut shorter than both Wren and Jed’s, though nothing close to a buzz cut. His eyes are a darker hazel than I had first thought, and as I watch, he tilts his head to the side.

I mirror him without meaning to, and his smile widens just a touch.

“There’s a girl staring into your office like you killed her cat,” he interrupts, and I realize belatedly that Wren has been talking to him this whole time. Unluckily for me, the windows are thin enough that I can hear him when he’s this close. “Didyou kill someone’s cat today?”

“Yeah, clearly,” Wren sneers, amusement lacing his tone. “I make it a habit to throw cats into trees and kick puppies on my way to work. Didn’t you know?” With a snort, he adds, “Move your ass, Cassian. Let me see who it is.”

“Not your assistant,” Cassian mutters, but side steps enough for Wren’s expectant eyes to find mine.

His brows fly up to his bangs, and he blinks once, then again, like he’s more than a little surprised to see me. But that’s okay, because I’m just as surprised I’d made it here. “Oh.” I can barely hear the word, and I only know from the shape of his mouth that it’s what he said. “That’s…huh. Open the door for her, would you?”

“Last I checked I wasnotyour assistant,” his friend repeats, but he opens the door and gestures for me to come in. “Did you get a new assistant?” he asks, glancing over his shoulder before closing the door. “Because she looks terrified of you. Like you yelled at her.”

“No, she’s not my assistant.” Wren’s gaze stays locked on mine, and he leans back in a large, comfortable looking chairbehind his mahogany desk. “And I certainly didn’t yell at you, did I, Saylor?”

I shake my head as Cassian mouths my name, clearly familiar with it. “Saylor,” he mutters. “I know that name, don’t I?”

“You should,” Wren replies. “Since Jed’s sure he’s in love with her.”

My stomach bottoms out at his words, and for a moment I feel like I’m going to fall over.In love with me? Sure, he acts way more than just enamored of me when we’re together, but I think saying helovesme is too much of a stretch…isn’t it?

“You’re the girl he kidnapped,” Cassian says, the pieces finally clicking together. “From the preserve. I remember now.” He gives me a quick, easy smile and reaches a hand out to me. “I’m Cass. And you seem to be no longer held hostage.”

“I left.” I flick my gaze between them, my words quick and unsure. “He said…well, we…” God, I can feel myself blushing, and I have to look away from them before I say something stupid. “I…I kind of ran away. I think.”

“I see,” Wren’s voice is carefully neutral, and he watches me shrewdly from thoughtful eyes.

“But I didn’t mean to,” I add, just as fast and unsure.

His eyes widen, just a bit, and he trades a look with Cassian. “Isee.” Is that a hint of a smile playing at his lips, or am I just imagining it?

“But I miss him. And the cops came. I didn’t tell them anything.” I’m rambling now, though I can’t stop, and I spill random parts of Rayez’s visit to him as they come back to me. “So…they asked about us. And I lied. I said we were together, and that made me feel worse. I know it’s been five days, but I miss him. And I don’t have his number, so I can’t call him. Then I kind of stalked you.” Yeah, I probably could’ve left that part out. “Though now I wonder if maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he doesn’t want to see me again, or he’s trying to move past it?I know you just say things when you want someone to trust you, so if that was the case, I get it?—”

“Saylor.” Wren’s voice is firm, but understanding.

“I’m sorry. I don’t want to assume, because?—”

“Saylor,” he interrupts again, this time leaning his forearms on his desk. “Stop for five seconds,please.”

Finally, I look up at him, and I’m shocked to see the wide smile on his lips, and the way his eyes flicker with amusement. A quick look at Cass shows me he’s trying and failing to cover a grin, and his shoulders shake with silent laughter.

“Is he mad at me?” I whisper, unable to stop myself. “Does he want me to just never show up again? I didn’t mean to?—”

“He’s driven past your apartment four times a day, every day, since you’ve been gone,” Cass interrupts this time, his voice edged with amusement. “I can assure you, he isn’t mad at you. And he’d love for you to show up anywhere he’s at. He doesn’t want to pressureyou.” He turns to look at Wren, still unable to help himself. “Tell me you acted like this with Hazel when you first met her.”

Wren makes a face and shakes his head. “I showed up too much at her apartment for her to ever think I wasn’t obsessed with her. Clearly, space was the wrong answer, judging by the way the two of you arepiningfor each other.” He snorts, and when my shoulders drop, gestures for me to take the chair in front of his desk. “Sit, before you fall.”

I sit. Hard. And only belatedly think that it might have been rude.

“The first thing you need to understand about Jed,” Wren begins, resting his folded hands on the table in front of him. “Is that he’s the sweetest, most oblivious creature to ever roam the earth. So…” He glances at Cass, his smile turning wicked.

“So?” I prompt, heart thumping in my chest.

“What are you doing for dinner tonight?”
