“Yeah, but you always wanted a guy with a lot of scars, didn’t you?” I said, going back to grinning at her. “Jesus, can someone cut me off the ketamine? I’m not usually this cheesy.”
“It’s good for you. It’s keeping the pain at bay,” Alexis said.
“I would rather feel the pain,” I said, taking off the drip and getting up. It took a few attempts, but by my fourth try, I was standing on my feet.
“Will, what are you doing?” Alexis asked.
“Is that Will?” Vincent suddenly called from the front door. Without waiting for a response, he barged through the door and came inside. Seeing me standing, he gasped, then whispered, “You’re a real rascal, you know. Gave us a hell of a scare!”
Then he was upon me, hugging me fiercely.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Vince said, his voice breaking just a little.
“Likewise, brother,” I said, holding him tightly. “How fares everyone?”
“Why don’t you come outside and see for yourself? They’re all eager to see the man who led them to victory,” Vincent said, thumping me on my back.
“In time, Vince. In time. I’d rather spend a few moments with Alexis here. Grab a bite. Get my bearings right. You know, I just woke up from a coma,” I said.
“Right, right,” Vince said, chuckling and running his fingers through his hair. “I’m just going to pop right out and let everyone know you’re awake.”
“You do that,” I said.
“You better believe it. There’s going to be a celebration,” Vince said.
“I would be surprised if there weren’t,” I said.
“Whoo!” Vince let out a victorious howl as he raced out of the house.
“Dinner?” Alexis asked as I sat back down on the bed.
“Is it that time already?” I looked at the clock and saw that it was six in the evening.
“It’s been a week’s worth of solitary dinners and lunches for me,” Alexis said, sitting by my side. “I never want to feel that alone in my life ever again.”
“And you won’t have to,” I said, putting my arm over her shoulder. Then I reached forward and kissed her on her cheek. She turned her face towards me, and for a while, both of us just looked each other in the eyes. The next second, we were kissing furiously, our lips clashing, our tongues in each other’s mouths.
“That can wait!” Alexis said, breaking the kiss and getting up. “You’re…back from the dead. I am going to go in the kitchen now.”
I grabbed her wrist as she turned to leave and pulled her back. She fell on my lap. I caught her at the last second, holding her in my arms, and kissed her once more, this time more deliberately, taking in her sweet scent, tasting her on my tongue, feeling her on my lips.
“Now, that was better, wasn’t it?” I said, letting her go.
Her face was blushing crimson as she left the room all flustered.
I stayed in the room for a while, staring out the window and looking at the Grimm Abode before joining Alexis in the kitchen.
I knew one thing. These injuries would take their time to heal. It wouldn’t be for a long time that I’d be ready for another fight. Fortunately, my fighting days were behind me. I was still a werewolf, and I’d remain one till the end of my days, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to remain a fighting werewolf. There was so much more to life than that.
Such as the woman standing in front of me, holding out her hand.
“Ready?” she asked me.
“I’m ready,” I said, knowing that I was ready for more than just going out into the commune with her. I had been thinking, and not just for the last couple of weeks, but for a couple of months. It was time for both of us to move on.
As I stepped out into the night, and saw a general air of festivity around me. People were gathered around a big bonfire, holding drinks in their hands, talking to each other with their hands on each other’s shoulders, laughing, looking relieved.