Page 8 of Her Reborn Mate

“Looks like it's just us two outsiders in a place filled with born and bred Bangorians.”

“You got that right,” I said, pouring him his fourth drink. “And I just moved into town.”

“Pardon me, and I’m sorry if it’s not my place to ask, but what’s with the bandages?” Lawrence asked.

“You’re right. It’s not your place to ask,” I said, reverting back to my rigid, defensive self.

“My apologies,” Lawrence said, lifting his hands in an apology.

“I’ll tell you this much. If I were your man, I’d treat you like divinity. You’d never have so much as a strain on your face, let alone all those injuries.”

“You’re coming on too strong there, Lawrence. I’m guessing you’re not used to drinking all that much,” I said.

“Well, it is called liquid courage, and without those four shots in me, I wouldn’t have the courage to ask you out,” he said.

“Why are you asking me out? Look at me. I’m a hideous mess of bruises and bandages,” I said.

“I figured, what with you and me being new to this town and all, we could go see the sights together on a date. Talk about things. I’d tell you about how my dad was a shoemaker in the Bronx. You can tell me how you got those bruises. We can eat some lasagna.”

“That’s an odd first date. You often take ladies to first dates and feed them lasagna?” I laughed. This was good. He had taken it to rocky territory, but he had then swiftly adjusted course. We were okay again. Smooth sailing as it went.

“Well, I am Italian. And there’s nothing wrong with a big bowl of lasagna. It goes super well with most aged wines,” Lawrence said, gleaming.

“Sob stories, sightseeing, lasagna, and wine. Anything else?”

“Well, we can go see a movie. Eat some shrimp or split a lobster. Anything you like, really,” he said.

His proposition was quite intriguing and tempting. I’d have something to do in my off-time. Lawrence could serve as a nice rebound for me. Though, I wouldn’t let him touch me.

“As long as we’re on the same page about me using you,” I said. “I don’t want to get into it, but I’ve been through some horrible shit. I’m only saying yes so I can use you as a distraction from all the fuckery going on in my head. Is that a problem?”

“On the contrary, I am pleased to see someone being so upfront and honest for a change. I’d love to be your distraction.”

“And no touching.”

“No touching.”

“Are you going to just talk about it, or are you going to take me on a date?” I asked wryly, raising my eyebrow.

“All right. Be here, six in the evening. I’ll pick you up,” Lawrence said. He slid me a hundred-dollar bill. “For your troubles. Keep the change.”

I watched him leave the bar, then tucked the hundred-dollar bill in the cash register.

“Holy shit, girl, that was some hustle,” Izzie said, watching me from the back. “A hundred dollars for four drinks of Jack Daniels? You might run this bar in the black yet.”

“Does it need to be any blacker than it already is?” I asked, then we both burst into laughter.


“I had a really lovely time, Alexis,” Lawrence said as we walked back to the bar.

“It wasn’t half bad for me either,” I said.

“Did I serve my purpose as your distraction?” he asked.

“You were quite entertaining,” I said.

“Thank you for this evening. May I see you again?” he asked.