“But why didn’t you just start the process today?” Colin adds. “You know you don’t need our approval for your name change. It’s your choice, and we’ll all support it.”
I bite my bottom lip, and look up at Mac who notices the blank last name.
“I don’t know what I want my new last name to be,” I say shyly. “I wanted to surprise you guys with it, but I didn’t want to have to pick anyone’s last name over the others. And then I worried that you guys would be freaked out if I tried taking one of your last names because we haven’t even been dating for six months yet—”
“Shh,” Mac says, setting the paper down and placing his hands on my shoulders. “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain. Hell, I’m pretty sure any of us would love for you to take our last name.”
“I don’t want to choose though,” I say, looking down at my feet. “I can’t choose.”
Just like I could never choose between any of these men, it’s all of them or none of them. I could pick some generic last name, but that feels empty and pointless.
“Let’s brainstorm over some celebratory champagne, Lavender,” Alex says, already reaching for the chilled bottle. I blush at him calling me by my unofficial new first name.
“What about Lavender GW MacDonaghue?” Colin says, standing up abruptly.
We’ve arranged letters, put all the last names together, and drew their names from a hat, but we haven’t been able to agree on anything yet. I’m not going to settle on a last name until we all agree and we find a way to use all four men’s last names.
I sip on my second glass of champagne, pondering that. It’s better than just using all four last names. There’s no way in hell I would ever want to sign my name ever as Lavender MacKenna Gatsby White Donaghue.
“I like it,” Mac says. “It’s not too much, and you’d be using parts of all our last names.”
“I like it too,” Alex says. “I really hate my last name anyway, since it was run through the mud by my ex and my father. I’m down for you to be GW MacDonaghue.”
I look to Benjamin who hasn’t stopped smiling. “I’m just happy that I legally get to call you Lavender. I got to pick your first name.”
“And I’ll have your full last name in there,” I point out.
He raises his glass in the air. “Very true.”
I sit my glass on the table, and pick up the folder from the coffee table. I take the pin off of it that was clipped on, and click it open. I write my new last name on the paper, and stare at it for a moment, feeling nothing but happiness and closure.
I turn to Mac and reach my hand out for him. “Hi, my name is Lavender GW MacDonaghue. I like getting tattooed, walking dogs, and fucking all four of my boyfriends until the wee hours of the night.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Lavender,” Mac says. “Can I fuck you now...”
I don’t let him finish his sentence. I get up from my spot on the couch, and straddle him, pressing my lips to his. I grind my hips down against his covered erection. He groans against my lips, and I smile when I feel one of the others come up behind me, leaning over to move my hair over my shoulder to expose my neck.
“My sweet, sexy Lavender,” Ben whispers in my ear. “Fuck, I have loved you from that moment I first saw you.”
I turn my head, pulling away from Mac to kiss Ben. I shiver when his tongue dips out to lick my bottom lip, and he slowly pulls away.
“Get that cute little ass to our bedroom, Lav,” Ben says. “I’m hungry.”
Those two words have come to make me instantly wet, and wanting.
I stand and reach for Colin’s hand who was watching the action from one of the chairs. I tug him up to follow me down the hall to our bedroom. I pull my shirt over my head, and reach behind me to unclasp my bra, letting it hit the floor. I never take my eyes off of Colin’s as the other men filter into the room. Taking my body in as I push my leggings and panties down my thighs.
“Someone is a little greedy little thing, aren’t they?” Mac says, coming up to pinch one of my nipples.
I stick my pierced tongue out at him, and he freezes. His eyes turning from playful, to smoldering. I immediately retract my tongue, and look down at my feet.
Mac lets out a sinister chuckle, the one that he uses when he switches into his dominant role. He grips my chin, and urges it up.
“Open your mouth, little girl,” he says, and I submit. Opening for him. “Stick out your tongue. If you want to act like a brat, you know you get treated like one.”
I stick my tongue out, and stare at Mac, bracing for what he’s about to do in response to my bratty attitude.