Page 5 of Theirs

“Holy shit, Tea,” he says, jumping up and down. “You just raised so much money for the hospital. Look at you!”

“What. The. Fuck. Kane!” I growl. “You were supposed to bail me out of that, not offer me up for extra dates!”

“Aww, come on, Teagan!” he says. “It’s only four little dates, not like it’s really ruining your social life. I’m sure you can fit a steak dinner in here and there.”

Honestly, I really would enjoy a nice steak dinner. We used to go to fancy steakhouses with our parents all the time, until I cut them out of my life. I miss getting dressed up and having a four course meal, but I also love the life I currently have. I answer to no one, I get to play with dogs all day, and I have all I need. The only thing I’m missing is a decent sex life, but my vibrator does just fine. It’s made me cum more than any man ever has.

I pout, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Look Tea,” Kane says to me. “They’re good guys. I hang out with them all the time.”

I straighten, and glance over at our table guests, and then back to my brother. “What?”

He ushers me back over to our table, smiling the whole way. “It’ll be okay, just one date... well, four dates now.”

I stomp my foot. “The mafia guy too? I’m going to get stuck in the middle of a turf war, thanks to you.”

Kane rolls his eyes. “Alexander’s not in the mafia. Once he puts his phone down, he’s a nice guy.”

“Kane!” I say. “I walked in on Benjamin having oral sex in the bathroom before dinner! They aren’t all good guys.”

Kane wraps his arm around me and laughs. “You’re something else, Tea. Hilarious.”

I sit down at the table, crossing my legs, and looking at the watch on my wrists. Wondering how much longer I have to sit here at this fundraiser and be ogled by these men who wouldn’t have taken a second glance at me if they saw me walking down the street with five dogs wrapped around my legs, and carrying poop bags.

“So, who’s up first?” I ask the table, arching an eyebrow.