Page 54 of Theirs

“Sure,” he says, following me down the hall with his messenger bag. He follows me to the guest bedroom I now only use as my closet. I’ve been alternating nights between sleeping in Colin’s bed and Ben’s, usually, both of the men are in whichever bed I choose. I’ve noticed they’re kind of a package deal.

“Um,” I say, coming out of the closet with a change of clothes. “I can get you some towels and you can use the guest shower.”

He stops me, placing his hands softly on my hips. “What if I want to shower with my girlfriend?”

I blush, my heart speeds into overdrive. “I mean, that can be arranged. Only if you want.”

“Do you wanna shower together?” he asks.

“Uh, yeah,” I say, like he’s just asked me if I like chocolate. I, in fact, love chocolate. “I would never pass up a shower with my boyfriend. Besides, how will I know if I’ve gotten all the paint off of me?”

Alex follows me to Colin’s bathroom, the biggest bathroom in the house where I take my showers now. I grab him a towel from under one of the cabinets and sit it on the sink. Alex drops his messenger bag on the floor, and turns off the lights in the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” I protest.

He finds me in the dark, and plays with the hem of my shirt. “I shower in the dark.”

“Then how will we know if we got all the paint off?” I ask.

“Guess we’ll just have to scrub a little more than we would,” Alex says. He’s quiet for a moment. “Can I take your clothes off now?”

I let out a shaky breath. “Only if I can take yours off.”

Alex begins lifting my shirt over my head, and I put my arms up so he can remove it. I do the same to his Henley. I reach for the button on his jeans, and he patiently waits for me to undo it before reaching to undo mine. I pull my jeans off, and he slides his down his legs to join the pile of our clothes.

I reach in and turn the water on in the shower, so it can get warm before we step in. As I’m checking it, I feel Alex press himself up against my back, he carefully undoes my bra clasp and I shiver as I let it drop to the floor. When Alex pulls my panties down, I turn around to remove his boxers, but I only meet skin. I run my fingers over his thighs before turning back around and getting under the water, not caring that it’s still not warm enough.

Alex joins me, and I reach for my loofa and the soap, turning around to begin cleaning the paint off of him. He keeps his hands on my hips, until I ask him to turn around so I can get his neck and back.

“Thank you for tonight,” I tell Alex as he turns back around to begin getting the dry paint off of me.

“That was the most fun I’ve had in forever. I really like being around you, Teagan,” he says, gently washing just above my breasts.

“I like being around you too, Alexander,” I say right before he leans down and places a soft kiss against my lips.


“Are you asleep?” Alex whispers from behind me.

After we dried off from our shower, we ordered some food, and ate at the kitchen island while watching the game at home. I texted the guys to let them know Alex was crashing at our place and we’d be in my guest room for the night, they sent back several smiley faces and kissy emojis. For billionaires, they were total kids at heart. And I love it. Love them...

Alex and I have been lying together in bed quietly for the last hour.

I flip over and smile at him. “Nope, not at all.”

He smiles back, pushing some hair out of my face.

I place a hand on his bare chest, feeling his heart beating under my palm. I meant what I wrote on the wall at the Rage Room. I’m falling in love with the four of these men. I’m falling fast.

“I want to tell you something,” Alex says, placing one of his hands over mine. I gulp at that, wondering if this Alex and I are going to be over before we even begin, and what that’ll mean for me and the other men. He flips onto his back, and pulls me against his side, where I rest my head on his chest. “I haven’t been with a woman since my ex-wife—”

“What?” I gasp, sitting up. He kept bragging about the women he slept with. That he didn’t have time for a relationship because he just worked and fucked. He had me, and probably everyone else believing that he was a player. “But you said...”

“I know what I said,” he tells me, pulling me back down to lie next to him. “I lied, and that’s the one and only lie I’m ever going to tell you. I swear. Before I met her... I had only had sex one other time in my adult life, it was a drunken night where I slept with some random girl in a sorority. It didn’t last long, she made fun of me because I couldn’t keep it up. She kept telling me I had a whiskey dick, I’m not sure if that’s better or worse than just cumming in two-point-two seconds.”

“That girl was a bitch,” I mutter, squeezing Alex to me. “You were drinking, it happens.”

“That’s not why I couldn’t get it up,” Alex whispers. “I... my mom passed away when I was ten. My dad didn’t know how to cope with the loss of her, it was a car accident. She left one day, and never made it back home. He started drinking, and then on the one year anniversary of her death, my dad got really drunk and he... he molested me.”