“Like what you see, Benjamin?” I ask, leaning back on my towel, arching my back a little. I’ve been blessed with some perky, natural tits.
Mac tosses his shirt over my chest, and I glance over to see him pissed. I guess he’s done playing the game.
“You’re the one who took off my top, Mac,” I say, tugging the cotton shirt off of me.
“Teagan,” he warns.
“What?” I yell.
In an instant, he yanks me over his lap, my face against the floor of the boat. I squeal as he pins me down, but I don’t tell him no, and I don’t tell him to stop. I gasp as he jostles me into position.
He holds my wiggling body tight to his lap, but doesn’t say anything until I stop squirming. Neither of the other guys make a sound either, but I can feel all of their eyes on us. I’m waiting for one of them to stop their friend, but they don’t come to my defense; I’m not sure I want them to. I think I like them watching Mac punish me.
“Are you done being a little spoiled brat?” MacKenna asks me once I stop wiggling.
I shake my head. “I’m not the spoiled one! The four of you are! Thinking you can do whatever you want, buy anything you desire.”
Mac lets out a wicked chuckle. “But you agree that you’re being a brat then?”
I don’t say anything, because he might be right.
“Oh, Kitten,” he says, running a hand down my bare spine, need in his voice. “Remember when I told you I was going to punish you?”
I nod my head, and his hand reaches the fabric of my bottoms.
“I think now’s the time,” he says. “Do you give me permission to punish you, little girl?”
“Yes,” I say, swallowing the drool that was about to leave my mouth. God. How have I gone this long without feeling this kind of sexual energy my entire life?
“Kitten,” he says softly. “It’s, yes, Sir. Don’t make me tell you again.”
“Yes, Sir,” I say through gritted teeth.
Without another word, Mac lifts his hand up and smacks my ass. I jump at the contact, but Mac’s other arm keeps me pinned down. The next smack comes, and a moan slips out of my mouth.
“You like this, Kitten?” Mac asks, I can feel him getting hard beneath me. Mac likes it, Mac likes giving out punishments. I like that this is turning Mac on.
“Yes, Sir,” I pant, I don’t want him to stop spanking me. “Again.”
He rubs a gentle hand over my butt, soothing the sting, preparing me for more.
“What do you think you like most?” he asks. “Do you like me punishing you? Or do you like being watched?”
I glance up, noticing Ben standing right beside us. He looks like he’s torn between yanking me off Mac’s lap and claiming me as only his or watching Mac follow through with his punishments.
“All three of them are watching you, Teagan,” Mac whispers, like it’s our secret. “Even Alexander has joined us, yet, he says he doesn’t want you. I think that fat cock in his trunks disagrees.”
Mac spanks me again, bringing my attention back to him. “Answer me, Kitten,” he says, with another spank. “Do you like submitting to me or do you like these men watching you more?”
Just as he lifts his hand up again, I blurt my answer. “I like both, Sir! I like both! I want both, please.”
Instead of spanking me, he soothes the ache again. “Good girl.”
MacKenna lifts me up gently, and reaches for my bikini top, tying it back on my body.
He places a soft kiss on my forehead, and I melt against his gentleness. He lets me sit like that for a moment, holding me, and gently caressing me.
“You okay?” he asks.
I shrug, burrowing my face into his neck. “Kind of embarrassed.”
“That’s the point of the punishment,” Mac says. “To make you embarrassed of behaving like a brat. Now you learn from the lesson.”
I pull back from him, ready to lash out from him calling me a brat again, but the stern look on his face has me quickly backing down. He places another kiss on my forehead when I catch myself.
“I think we should have a little group discussion over lunch,” Mac says, pushing hair out of my face, and the sunglasses to the top of my head. “What do you say, Miss. Sullivan?”
“Yes, Sir,” I tell him softly.
He beams at me, impressed that I’m a quick learner.