Page 79 of Theirs

He looks me up and down and smiles. “I like this outfit the best.”

“Shush,” I say, playfully shoving his chest, but he doesn’t even budge. “I’m freaking out.”

“Don’t,” he says, simply. As if it’s that easy. “I’ve met Colin and Ben’s parents once. They’re good people. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

I hear a couple car doors shut from the driveway, and sprint to the kitchen to pull out the charcuterie board I spent an hour assembling, and grabbing some plates for it, and two bottles of fancy wine that Mac brought from his wine cellar earlier this week. I grab the electric wine bottle opener from the counter and place it next to the wine at the center of the island. Colin opens the door, pulling in a rolling suitcase.

“Honey, I’m home!” Colin shouts from the foyer. His parents follow in behind him.

I walk over to greet him, and his mom’s face lights up when she sees me. She shoves her purse into the arms of an older looking Colin, his father, and comes over to take me into a hug.

“Oh, my lord,” the woman says in a sweet southern accent. “You’re the cutest little thing! I couldn’t believe it when my Colin said he found his wife.”

My heart races and I look over to Colin who is grinning ear to ear.

“Uh,” I say. “Um.”

Colin shrugs his shoulders as his mom continues to hold me tightly. “I’m not going to say that I didn’t tell her that, because that would be lying.”

“Don’t worry, honey,” Mrs. Gatsby says, pulling back from me with a smile and a wink. “He told me you’ve got three more men wanting to cherish you for the rest of your lives. Lucky girl, you are! Wish I had the chance to do that when I was your age.”

“Okay, mom,” Colin says. “You’re freaking her out. Don’t scare her away.”

She waves her hand at her son. “Oh, nonsense. Anyway, I brought a photo album of baby pictures, you just let me know when you’re ready for me to embarrass Colin.”

I chuckle, and introduce myself to Colin’s dad who is quiet, but doesn’t seem upset about my relationship with his son.

“Come on in, Mr. and Mrs. Gatsby,” I tell them. “I’ve got wine out, some snacks, or we can get you something else to drink.”

Mrs. Gatsby beams at the food I’ve got laid out, and I grab her a wine glass.

“This is lovely!” she compliments.

“Our girl knows how to host,” says Ben, coming out from down the hall. He shakes Mr. Gatsby’s hand, and comes over to give his wife a hug. “Good to see you all for the holiday!”

“Can’t wait to see your mothers and chat,” says Colin’s mom, taking the wine I just poured her.

“I hear there’s been some remodeling around here,” Mr. Gatsby says. “Construction company do a good job?”

“Come on,” Colin says, dragging their suitcases behind him. “I’ll show you what we’ve been doing.”

Colin drops their luggage off in my old guest room, and I follow behind them to our new room. Mrs. Gatsby gasps at the huge space that we’ve made even bigger. I stand in the doorway, leaning against the frame as she turns in circles admiring the space.

“Looks great,” Mr. Gatsby says. “Much brighter in here with the new coat of paint, and all the new window space.”

“Did you get the bigger closet, dear?” Mrs. Gatsby asks, looking over at me with a grin.

“I didn’t really need the bigger closet space,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. “But these guys won’t take no for an answer.”

Just as I refer to all of them, the other men appear in the doorway behind me.

“Kind of hard to not tell you no when you’re the most deserving woman in the world,” Mac says, an arm on my shoulder as he smiles down at me. “Most deserving and most selfless.”

“Stop,” I grumble, my cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

Alex grins beside Mac. “You’re going to have to get used to us obsessing over you.”

“And me!” Mrs. Gatsby says. “Speaking of, I brought you guys some Christmas gifts since we’ll be on our cruise for the holiday week like we usually are.”