Page 7 of Theirs

“Who’s your favorite member?” Benjamin asks me, he’s cool as a cucumber, sitting back against the couch.

“Kit maybe?” I say, questioning myself. “Honestly, they’re all great guys. I’ve been following their career from early on. They’ve come so far!”

I turn around and smile at Ben. “So, Kit’s the one I need to watch out for?” Ben teases.

I roll my eyes. “As if. He’s got a gorgeous wife, and a beautiful baby boy.”

“Good to know,” Ben says. “Are you enjoying your night?”

I lean back, and he places an arm over my shoulder. “Honestly, yes. Thanks for taking me on this date.”

“You’re very welcome, Lavender,” he tells me.

The door to the green room opens, and I stand up immediately as the band walks in and says hello. Benjamin stands up and shakes all their hands, and takes a bunch of pictures on my phone of me with the band. I can’t stop smiling, which I notice also makes Benjamin smile. He’s got a gorgeous smile, a gorgeous face actually. I wonder if he’s had any plastic surgery himself. I hope not, I feel like he’s going to age slowly, and gracefully.

“It was so nice meeting you guys!” I say, giving all the members of Southern Rebirth a hug after they hang out with us for an hour, but it felt like it was only five minutes.

“It was good to meet you too, Teagan,” says Kit. His hug has officially made my life complete. “Thank you so much for all your support over the years.”

“Of course!” I say stepping back next to Ben, and waving at the band as they head out to their tour bus. “You guys are so talented. Tell your wives hello!”

Once they’re gone, I full on fangirl! I turn to Ben and jump up and down hugging him.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” I say, shaking. “That was amazing. I can die happy now, thanks to you Benjamin Donaghue!”

“I hope you’re not planning on dying so soon!” he says, chuckling. “You’ve got a lifetime of experiences ahead of you, Lavender.”

I snort laugh. “Yeah, okay. Easy for you to say. You can probably take off for a week every month, and go to your vacation home, or pick some place in Europe to experience. That stuff isn’t in the cards for me anymore.”

We walk down the hall to the exit where Ben’s driver is going to pick us up.

“Kane said you don’t get along with your parents?” he asks, and I wonder just how much my brother has told Ben.

“Woah,” I say, coming down from the high of meeting my favorite band. “That’s like... tenth date conversation right there, Benjamin. I’m not trying to discuss my daddy issues with you tonight.”

“Are you saying I’m going to get more dates?” Benjamin asks as he waves the driver off and opens my door for me. I climb in the back, and Ben closes my door and goes around the other side to get in.

“Don’t push your luck,” I say, sticking my pierced tongue out at him. “Besides, I’ve apparently got three more dates with other men I have to go on. Your friends, remember?”

He hasn’t taken his eyes off my mouth. The piercing must have caught his eye, I try my best to not show it off. I try not to talk too loudly, or open my mouth too wide. I’m not embarrassed by my piercing; I just hate what men usually ask me when they see it. Their minds always wander to BJ’s. Then they’ll ask me if I have any other piercings, to which I lie and say that I don’t, even though my nipples are both pierced.

“I’m sure you can make time for me in between those dates,” Ben says, still staring at my lips.

I push my hair behind my ears. “Ben,” I say softly. “Whatcha looking at?”

“Huh?” he asks, shaking off whatever spell he was put under and looking up at my eyes. “What?”

I smile, deciding I’m going to enjoy the ride home and play a little game. It’s been too long since I’ve been around a man one on one, might as well enjoy it. I reach over Ben’s lap, and press the button that brings up the partition between the backseat and the driver.

“Lavender?” Ben asks, swallowing as I return to my seat, but stay angled toward him.

“What are you thinking?” I ask him.

His tongue darts out and he wets his bottom lip. “I’m hungry.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Hungry?”

He looks my body up and down, and nods. “Starving actually,” he says.