“I can’t believe you’re going to be a mom,” I say, giving her a small smile. Most women might feel jealousy about their friend becoming pregnant. What I feel is content. I don’t regret my decision of getting a tubal ligation years ago, I know that I would never be happy being a mother.
“Oh my God!” Kristen says loud enough for the guys to turn and look inside. “I can’t believe it either! It just... happened. You should have seen your brother’s face when I told him, he looked like he was going to vomit. Now he won’t stop fawning over me, and obsessing over prepping for the baby.”
“Have you told... our parents?” I ask, referring to mine and Kane’s parents.
She deflates and shakes her head. “Kane hasn’t spoken to them since you told him what happened. I was wondering what was going on because he kept ignoring their calls, but it makes sense.”
“Are you going to tell them?” I ask.
“I’m not sure,” she says, touching her stomach. “It’s really Kane’s decision to make. What they did to you was so effed up, Teagan. I understand now. And I’m not so sure I want my baby to be around people like them. I want my baby to grow up knowing unconditional love, to choose who they love, not be forced into something. I never want to side with a monster over my own baby.”
“You’re going to be a really good mother, Kristen,” I say fondly, wiping a tear that falls down my cheek. “I can’t wait to watch you slay motherhood.”
She begins crying, and fanning her face with her hands, trying to stop her own tears. “Jesus, these hormones are a bitch.”
We both laugh, and I place my wine glass on the table and cross the distance of the couch to give my best friend a hug. She squeezes me tight, and we both hold each other until we hear the patio door slide open.
“You ladies okay?” Colin asks, coming inside, pretending like he’s grabbing some food from the island. I know he’s just checking on me.
“We’re fine,” I say, pulling away from Kristen.
“Kristen,” Colin says. “You want to stay for some dinner? Hang out with the cool kids?”
She rolls her eyes. “Do you have dessert? I’m having mad cravings.”
Colin smiles. “I’ve got some Rocky Road ice cream hidden at the bottom of the freezer. If you’re nice, I’ll share.”
She chuckles. “I’ve heard you’re pretty good at sharing.”
I gasp and playfully punch her in her arm. “Kristen!”
“What?” she asks, smiling. “It’s true!”
I roll my eyes, and Kristen and I join Colin in the kitchen, each of us making a plate. As the other guys come in and join us. I notice Kristen watching my interactions with the guys every now and then. We all hang around the island, telling stories, laughing, eating, and it feels nice. My friend easily accepts that I have four boyfriends that I love. She leaves around an hour and a half later, but tells me how happy she is for me, before shooting a threat over my shoulder to the guys that if any of them hurt me, she’ll murder them and destroy their bodies so they’re never found.
I think they believe her.