The blood drains from my face. I trusted Ben that we wouldn’t be seen or heard by the others, but apparently, we were. Now all the men probably think I’m some little whore they can play with. Maybe that’s why Ben and Colin invited me to a weekend on the yacht, to be their little fuck toy. A glorified prostitute. I take two of the drinks from Alex and go back up to the top of the boat where Ben and Colin are chatting. I hand them their drinks, and head back to the door that leads to the cabin where all the bedrooms are.
“Lav,” Ben calls from behind me. “Where are you going? I thought we were day-drinking.”
I spin around, and watch as he shrinks back, noticing the disappointment on my face.
“Why’d you bring me out here?” I ask Ben, whose smile fades. “Am I just a toy to you?”
He starts to take a step toward me, but I stop him with my hand. “I’m not a little plaything for you and your filthy rich friends. You can’t buy me fancy shit, concert tickets, and talk about how much you want me, it makes it feel like I’m just a whore you want to play with.”
“It’s not like that,” Ben tries to reassure me. “I swear.”
“Alex heard everything on the plane last night,” I yell, not concerned about the fit I’m throwing. It’s not like anyone can hear me, Ben brought me out to the middle of the Atlantic fucking ocean. “And Colin wasn’t supposed to see, but he did. Then you pull that stunt with MacKenna, cleaning me off with his pocket square and practically bragging about tongue fucking me on his plane. That’s high school boy behavior, Benjamin.”
I cross my arms over my torso, suddenly feeling completely exposed to these men.
“I’m going to be in my room,” I say, and turn around, bumping into Alex. “Alex, I’ll have my brother reimburse you the money for our date because I’m done.”
“Lavender—” Benjamin says, standing in front of me instantly. He tries to reach a hand out to sooth me, but I knock it away.
“Benjamin, don’t,” I say, tears welling in my eyes. “I really thought I could be something to you.”
“You are,” he says. “Please. Just let me fix this.”
I shake my head. “I need some space.”
He drops his hand and nods, letting me disappear into the cabin.
As soon as I get to the room I’m staying in, a door opens and out comes Mr. MacKenna. I try to get inside the room and shut the door before he sees the tears, but no such luck.
“Miss. Sullivan,” he says softly, more concern in this voice than I ever thought was acceptable. Especially after I pissed him off earlier. “What’s wrong?”
I just shake my head and bite my lip as more tears begin to flow. I’ve been around rich boys like these. I grew up with their type at my boarding school. They think Mommy and Daddy’s money can solve all their problems, they never have to pay off their mistakes, they get whatever girl they want, and when they’re done with her, they toss her to the side until another girl comes along. All they think women are good for is a possible inheritance and getting their dick wet.
“Teagan, please,” Mr. MacKenna says, trying to meet my eyes. “Tell me what’s wrong. Whose ass am I kicking?”
I let out a sad laugh at that. I could see it though, Shane MacKenna defending my honor, not that I’m really honorable. I’m just a money desperate girl, barely surviving this shit life I created for myself.
MacKenna spreads his arms out, and I think I shock both of us by stepping into them and letting them wrap me against his chest. He smells like sunscreen and fresh linen. Like summertime. I tell him about what Alex said to me in the kitchen, and how I don’t want to feel like another notch on any of their belts, but I don’t want to let go of what I’ve been feeling for Ben. I truly like Ben, and I think I could see myself enjoying more time with him.
After I get control of my tears, I step away from Mac, and try to wipe my face dry.
“I’m sorry for last night,” I tell him, staring down at both of our bare feet. “It won’t happen again. And this... sometimes I know how to show I’m a girl with mood swings.”
Mac doesn’t say anything, not until I lift my head up and look at him.
He shrugs his shoulders. “It’s okay if it does,” he says. “Or we can play a different game?”
“Different game?” I ask.
He grins mischievously. “You like Ben, yes?” he asks, but doesn’t wait for my answer. “And Colin?”
I shrug. “I like the way they make me feel. Verdicts still out on whether I like them as humans.”
Mac pulls the aviators out of his shirt pocket, and places them on my face. “Go get a sun hat, Kitten,” he says. “Pretend like none of the last hour happened. We’re going to toy with those boys.”
“What do you mean?” I ask. My pussy tightens at the name Mac just called me. I thought I enjoyed being called Lavender, but I really like Kitten.
“Do you trust me, Kitten?” He runs a finger down my cheek, stirring up something deep inside me with that simple touch and the pet name.