As he smiles and skates away from us, I beam up at Colin. We take a seat on the bench and watch the guys do their thing. It’s mesmerizing. The only sport that has ever held my attention, and I love how technically, you get the bonus boxing fights at some games. We watch the players for an hour running through drills. Every now and then, one of them comes over to say hi to Colin and offers to sign my jersey.
“Are you having fun?” Colin asks, and I turn to see him smiling at me.
“Can you not tell by the huge smile on my face?” I ask sarcastically. I turn my attention back to the players on the ice. “What did you mean by us having a flight to catch?”
“How’d you think we were getting to the yacht?” Colin asks, leaning forward, his elbows on his thighs.
“Wait,” I say. “You’re serious? I—none of my shampoo is in the mini bottles that TSA makes you use. I didn’t pack for a flight, Colin. I’ve got two bottles of wine in my carry on, well... technically three bottles but one is half empty. I assumed your yacht was on Lake Erie or something!”
Colin laughs. “It’s okay! We’re not going through the TSA. We’re using Mac and Alexander’s private jet that they share.”
I arch an eyebrow at him. “What does he do for a living? Alex. Mafia?”
“Nah, he owes one of the big law firms in town,” he says, not as exciting. “That’s why he’s always on his phone. But I imagine he’s probably met some people in the mafia. He handles a lot of criminal and family law. He tries not to talk about work around your brother because their firms compete.”
I grab his arm. “Wait... so you’re saying the mafia does exist?”
Maybe Kane was right, I really should look for a safer apartment.
“I mean, probably?” he asks, sitting back up and looking at his watch. “We should probably get out of here.”
I grab my stuff, and follow Colin through the labyrinth under the arena to get to his car. Once inside and heading to the airport, I glance over at him while we’re sitting in some traffic.
“How do most of the guys on the team know you?” I ask him.
He shrugs and reaches a hand over to hold mine, I let him. My stomach flips over on itself by the simple touch.
But what about Ben? Hot Ben who wants nothing but to eat my pussy?
“I’m a silent investor for them,” he says, like it’s nothing. “Comes with a lot of perks. I get to sit in on practice, I’ve got amazing box seats, dinner and drinks are always coming my way, oh, and free parking.”
“Of course, don’t forget the free parking!” I say, rolling my eyes.
“Hey, free parking is a miracle in this city!”
I shrug. “Or you could just not have a car, problem solved.”
“I like my cars!” Colin says, sounding appalled, but he smiles over at me as the traffic crawls.
“Cars?” I yell. “How many do you have?”
“That’ll be my secret,” he teases. “You can find out when you come to my house for dinner next week.”
I wrack my brain for my mental calendar, but I don’t remember making any plans with Colin beyond this weekend. “Ah, smooth. Very smooth.”
He pulls my hand up to place a kiss on the back of it. “What do you say? Dinner at my place Wednesday?”
I smile. “Don’t get ahead of yourself! Let’s see how this weekend goes. For all you know, you guys are going to get sick of me before we even step foot on the boat.”
“Fat chance!” he says. I sink into the passenger seat. “Also, you’re coming with me to all the home games from now on. I loved seeing the smile on your face while you enjoyed yourself.”
I blush at that, and turn my head to watch as we pass the city buildings.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?” Benjamin asks me. I changed out of my hockey jersey when we arrived at the private airport, and slipped into a pale pink sundress that goes down just above my knee. Kristen cleaned out her closet a few weeks ago and gave me first dibs on her stuff before she sold it. It has a modest neckline, and I didn’t miss the look of approval Mac gave me when I walked out of the bathroom in the simple dress, with the black cardigan I threw over it since I usually get cold on plane rides. Colin told me that MacKenna hates being called Mac by people who aren’t close friends, so I’ve decided I’m going to refer to him by that name any chance I get.
Mac and Alex are sitting at the front of the plane conducting last minute business on their laptops, while Colin sits next to me with his air pods in, and Ben on my other side. His hand keeps grazing along my thigh, tracing some of the tattoos there. He’s asked about a few of them, and I’ve told him their meanings or how some are just things I enjoy, like the octopus that takes up most of my outer thigh.