I should take you over my knee in the middle of this coffee shop for that kind of attitude. How many coffees? The dominance in his message has me craving to act out, just to see if he would make good on his promise.
This is my third,I type back. Think I’m going to invite Ben out for a coffee later tonight too. Is there a problem, Mr. MacKenna or do you want me to call you sir? Daddy?
I glance up just in time to see his reaction, his face turns to stone and he sits his phone on the table, rather hard. Kristen turns around to look at him and then turns back to me.
“Whatever he said, it looks like he wants to take you in the bathroom and have his way with you,” Kristen says. “You should do it. Text him to meet you in the bathroom.”
“Ew, no!” I tell her. “Public restrooms are disgusting. And honestly, I kind of like just getting a rise with him. I bet he’s the type of guy who talks a big game, but has no follow through. Total little dick energy.”
Kristen and I finish our coffees, and I try my best not to glance over her shoulder in Shane’s direction for the rest of our meet up. Instead, I plot out a text message to Ben, asking him what all I should pack for our weekend trip.
Bikinis, he sends back immediately. All of the bikinis.