I’m going to break his heart.

With that thought, I flip off the light and turn my back to the bedroom. I’m walking down the dark hallway when the front door slams shut and he screams my name.

I stop dead in my tracks when he turns the darkened corner and sees me standing with a bag on my arm.

“What the hell are you doing? Why did you leave?”

Tears well up in my eyes again. “I’m sorry, I have to go. You should get back to your show.” I force my feet to move. I need to get out of here. I can’t do this. I’m not strong enough.

As I pass by him, he latches onto the bag on my arm. “What’s this?”

I turn and look at him. He reads the expression on my face. I know because his brows draw together before a look of pure pain covers his face.

“You’re leaving me?”

I bite my lower lip and nod, averting my eyes to the ground because I can’t stand to see the pain I’m causing him.


I know if I tell him the real reason, he’ll just argue it. So, I lie. “I just can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.” I turn for the door, but he grabs my arm and spins me around.

“Please, tell me what I did wrong. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for whatever it was. Just… please don’t leave.” His eyes are filled with unshed tears. Just looking at him is killing me. How could I do this to him? It’s for his own good, I remind myself.

My chest tightens, feeling like the pressure will stop my heart completely. “I can’t, Dane. Please, just let me go.” I tug my arm away from him and take another step toward the door, but I’m stopped when he falls to his knees and latches on around my waist.

“Please, stop! Let’s talk about this. Is it the band? Am I spending more time with them than you? I’ll stop. We’ll only practice once a week. I just want you,” he pleads and bargains.

I shake my head. “It’s not the band.”

“Please, just tell me what it is.”

I make a mistake. I look into his hurt-filled eyes. Eyes that are usually dark and filled with a spark of mischief are now dull and clouded with pain. I have to take his pain away. I have to trade it out for something.


I have to make him hate me. If he hates me, he’ll let me go.

“Dane, let go. I have to go.”

“No, not until you tell me why.”

I scramble for something, for anything. “Dane, let go.”

“No, tell me!”

I look down at him, hate filling me. Not hate for him but hate for myself. I hate myself for what I’m about to say, but I have to say it. I have to make him let me go. “I cheated on you. It’s over. Now, let me go.”

He lets go and looks up at me. “You cheated on me? With who?” His heart is breaking before me, and it almost cripples me.

I shake my head. I can’t tell him a name because it didn’t happen, and I can’t throw someone under the bus like that. I’ve never even dreamt of letting another guy touch me. It’s always been Dane, ever since I walked past him leaning against his car on that first day of school. Before I even knew his name, I belonged to him.

I open the door and step out.

“Who?” Dane screams before I shut the door quietly behind me. I throw my bag into the cab of my truck and get behind the wheel. Tears fall freely from my eyes. I don’t even bother to try and stop them anymore, I know they won’t stop anyway.

I rest my head against the steering wheel, trying to control my breathing. My eyes are so blurred with tears that I can’t see to drive. I twist the key, and the truck fires up.

“Alissa!” Dane screams from the now open front door.