“I didn’t tell you because I’m not going,” I say, looking only at her. Anger washes over me. Fucking Sean is always sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.
“You’re not going? What the fuck is wrong with you? You know they’re about to be signed by a record label. Why wouldn’t you jump at this chance?” Sean asks, standing.
But I keep my eyes on Alissa. Her eyes focus on mine with her brows pulled together.
I stand and open the door. “I’m sorry, Sean, but I’m really tired and would like to take my girl to bed. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”
He nods slowly. “Alright, man. See ya.” He walks out, and I close the door behind him before going to the bedroom.
I strip off my clothes and am sliding under the blankets when Alissa walks in. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asks while walking around the room, grabbing clothes to change into.
“Because it’s not a big deal.”
She stops and walks over to me, perching on the edge of the bed. “How is this not a big deal, Dane? This is a chance to get everything you’ve ever wanted.”
“They don’t want the whole band, they only want me. I can’t tell the guys I’m leaving the band.” I don’t bother telling her the rest, because I don’t want her blaming herself.
“They’ll understand. You have to do this.”
“I’m not doing it, and that’s final!” My voice automatically rises, and she flinches from my harsh tone. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “Can we just not talk about this right now? I don’t want to fight.”
“Fine,” she says as she leaves the room. She walks down the hall and into the bathroom where she closes the door behind her with a firm click. Shutting me out.
I lay my head back against my pillows and stare up at the ceiling. Am I doing the right thing?
* * *
Monday morning comes,and Alissa is still giving me the silent treatment. I don’t know if she’s mad because I didn’t tell her about the offer, or because I’m not taking it. Either way, I’d rather have her mad and not talking to me, than to leave her behind.
I’m clearing a table when my dad yells at me from across the bar. “Dane!”
I turn and look at him without answering.
“My office.” He points to the back and turns and walks away.
I finish wiping the table clean and set my tray down before walking into his office to find him pacing the floor.
“What’s up, Dad?”
He stops and spins on his heels to look at me. His face is growing redder by the second, and the crease that forms between his eyes when he’s mad is clearly visible. “What in the hell are you thinking?”
My brows draw together. “What are you talking about?”
“I heard about the offer you’re going to refuse. What in the hell are you thinking?”
I let out a long breath and push my hair away from my eyes. “How’d you hear about that?”
He moves around his desk and falls into his chair. “Doug, overheard the whole conversation. I asked Alissa this morning, and she said you refuse to go.”
“I can’t,” I say falling into the chair across from him.
“And why not? This is your chance to make it big — to do everything you’ve ever wanted to do.”
“I can’t go because I promised to take care of Alissa. She can’t go on the tour with me.”
“Ahh, I see,” he says, rubbing his clean-shaven jaw. “You don’t think she’ll wait for you?”
“I don’t want her to have to wait for me.” I stand and start pacing. “I promised I’d be here for her, that I’d take care of her. How can I do that if I’m not here?”