He cracks a smile and waves me off as he steps out.
Talking with Mason is good for me. It makes me realize how stupid I’m being. Sure, Alissa is the love of my life. I’m not talking some kind of small town puppy love. I mean, she’s it. I felt it in the pit of my stomach the first day I laid eyes on her. When I lost her, I lost sight of everything else. Everything in my life fell away. I couldn’t see past the hurt and pain losing her brought on. But Mason has put everything into perspective.
Even though she’s gone, I have to push on.
I walk into the grill first thing in morning before anyone else has arrived. I go back into the office and find my dad sitting at the computer. He looks up quickly at me and then back at the screen. “What the hell are you doing here so early?”
I fall into the chair across from his desk. “I was wrong. I’ve been stupid, and I should’ve listened to you, about all of it. You were right.”
He freezes when he hears those words. Slowly, he spins his chair around to face me. “Come again?”
I let out a small laugh. “I’m ready to move on and grow up. I’ve been acting like an immature kid, and I’m sorry. I should’ve been putting in more effort around here. I’m ready.”
He wrinkles his brow and rubs his forehead. “Ready for what exactly?”
“To grow up. I want to help out around here more. I want you to train me to be manager, so you can actually take some time off. You’re killing yourself trying to run two businesses. You can count on me.”
“I appreciate what you’re doing, but from what I’ve seen, you’re not ready.”
Anger surges through me, and I stand quickly. “I just told you that I am. Why can’t you ever just trust me?”
His face turns a new shade of red as he stands with me. “I’ve known you your whole life. You jump head first into everything you do, and then act surprised when it all blows up in your face. You don’t listen to me, you don’t respect authority, and as soon as you get bored with something, you quit. Not to mention your temper. You really want to prove to me you’re ready? Then pick up some extra shifts around here, respect me, and for the love of God, cut your damn hair! You look like a punk!” He storms around his desk and holds the door open for me.
I don’t say anything as I walk out because he’s right. About everything. Everything but my hair. My hair is awesome.
I storm out of the grill and walk around to the picnic table, pulling my cigarettes from my pocket. Mason’s truck pulls into the parking lot as I’m enjoying a calming smoke. He shuts off the engine and walks over to me.
“What’s going on? You look pissed.”
“Got into it with Dad again.”
“Damn it, Dane. You were supposed to make it easier on him, not harder.” He runs his hands through his hair.
“I fucking tried, Mason. He doesn’t trust me to run his bar. He thinks I’m going to quit the second I get bored with it. He doesn’t think I’m ready.”
“So, prove to him you are. I know you and Dad have always butted heads but swallow your pride for once.” He walks to the shop, leavin