I DIDN’TWANT to move. I wanted to stay there, my head turned in to her neck, inhaling the musky scent of aroused Cat and sex, with my dick buried so deep inside her I felt like I was part of her. She was panting, her body shaking, her legs wrapped tight around my waist, and I simply held her there, losing myself in the smell and feel of her.
I’d fantasised about her for years, and yet all those fantasies hadn’t even come close to the reality. To the pressure of her mouth as she’d sucked me. To the tight, wet heat of her pussy around my cock. To the salty taste of her skin as I’d bitten her neck. So fucking good. So fucking intense.
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d come so hard, and even now, two orgasms later, I was already getting hard for her again. But I didn’t want to do anything more here in the clubhouse. I wanted to get her back to a bed, where I could take my time, undress her, taste every inch of her delicious body before sinking into her again. Fucking her slow, fucking her fast. Driving us both insane.
This was going to happen again, and soon, and I wasn’t going to take no for answer. Not now that I’d felt how wet she’d been or heard her scream my name in my ear as she’d come.
Her hands pushed at my chest and, reluctantly, I slid out of her, letting her down onto the floor. She was shaky on her feet and had to keep her hands braced on my chest, which was fucking satisfying.
It was all so fucking satisfying.
For so many years she hadn’t even noticed the fact that I was a man, and yet tonight, when she’d come to a stop in the hallway and turned to face me, I’d known that she’d noticed. That she’d run from what was happening around the bonfire was because she’d noticed. Which had made my decision real simple.
She’d gone down on her knees when I’d asked her to. Begged for my cock when I’d ordered her to. And then she’d come, screaming, exactly when I’d told her to.
She’d wanted it, whether she liked it or not. She’d wanted it. She’d wanted me.
Her head was bent, her dark hair hiding her face, but I didn’t make her look at me—not yet. Instead I dealt with the condom in a nearby wastebasket and tucked myself back into my jeans. Then I pulled down her skirt, smoothing it over her thighs, covering her up.
She tried batting away my hands, but I ignored that bullshit. She was mine now, and if I wanted to take care of her I was going to take care of her—no goddamn arguments.
My name sounded all husky and raw.
‘Can we just—’
‘No,’ I interrupted. ‘Don’t say another fucking word, Cat.’
Sliding a finger beneath her chin, I tipped her head up so she had to look at me. Her cheeks were deeply flushed, her green eyes dark, tendrils of black hair sticking to her forehead and neck. She looked shell-shocked, and I was asshole enough to get a kick out of it.
‘I’m taking you back home. Now.’
Her mouth opened, but I put a finger on her soft lips, silencing her.
‘What did I say about another fucking word?’
A muscle flexed in her jaw but she remained silent. Good girl.
I made sure our clothing was all good, then I took her hand and held it tight, turning and heading back down the corridor towards the club’s exit.
Christ, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. About her mouth and the feel of her body against mine. The little movements she’d made and her soft, desperate sounds of pleasure. I glanced down at her as we walked, watching the ebb and flow of colour in her cheeks, and I knew she was thinking the same thing.
But she didn’t look back at me, which told me everything I needed to know about her feelings: she regretted it and it was obvious.
My chest tightened but I ignored it. If she thought we were going back to nothing but friendship, she was shit out of luck. She was mine. She was my property and I was going to have her every way I could.
Nothing about this was going to be pretend—not any more.
A couple of people asked where we were going, but I ignored them, too.
Outside, I put her on my bike and we left the club, riding through the dark city streets. Her arms around my waist were a special kind of torture, as was the feel of her heat against my back, and by the time we rolled up outside her apartment I was hard enough to hammer nails.
But I’d decided I was going to give her space tonight. Just one night to let what had happened between us sink in. Because tomorrow I had plans. And they sure as shit didn’t include keeping my distance.