‘Are you allergic to them or just don’t like the taste?’

Elspeth found herself confessing the truth. ‘Erm...allergic. Badly. I can’t even touch the same surface where nuts have been or use products that have almond oil in them.’

‘That’s tough. It must be hard to avoid them.’

‘I’m used to it. I—I don’t like to make too big a thing of it. It’s not good for my image, you know?’

‘You haven’t thought of being the poster girl for peanut allergies? Using your profile to campaign for much-needed funding in allergy research—that sort of thing?’

Elspeth’s cheeks felt as if they were on fire. At this rate, she could solve an energy crisis for a small nation. ‘I like to use my influence in other ways. I don’t like being reminded of my faulty immune system.’

He studied her for a lengthy moment. ‘All nuts or just peanuts?’

‘All nuts but peanuts are the worst.’

‘I’m not a fan of them either.’

Her eyes widened. ‘You’re not?’

‘I once inhaled one when I was a toddler and had to be rushed to hospital. I haven’t eaten them since.’

She couldn’t stop staring at his mouth, the shape of it captivating her. ‘Oh...wow, I’ve heard that’s pretty dangerous for little kids...’

‘It is.’

He was still so close to her she could feel the warm waft of his breath against her face. Could see the flecks of grey in the blue of his eyes, reminding her of smooth stones at the bottom of a riverbed. Could feel her body responding to his proximity with soft little flickers of awareness, flutters of lust and need that bloomed inside her like an exotic flower under the searing rays of the sun. He slid a hand along the side of her face, his touch so mesmerising, so thrilling she was totally spellbound, trapped in a sensual stasis. She thought of stepping back away from his light touch but that was as far as it went—a thought. Not one muscle in her body agreed with acting on it.

‘So, given that we’ve established I haven’t consumed nuts, what harm is one little kiss going to do, hmm?’ he said in a low rumbly voice, his eyes drifting to her mouth once more.

Elspeth disguised another gulp, her own gaze drinking in every contour of his mouth. ‘So, you do want to kiss me?’ She hadn’t meant to sound quite so gobsmacked. Her twin probably kissed men all the time without a single qualm.

Mack’s hand moved further back along her face until it was embedded in her hair, sending a shivery wave of pleasure across her scalp. ‘I find myself incredibly tempted to do so.’

Elspeth stared at his mouth with her pulse skyrocketing. ‘But...but why?’ Her tone had taken gobsmacked to a whole new level.

He gave a soft breath of a laugh. ‘Because for some reason I find you irresistibly attractive.’

What he found attractive was her version of Elodie, Elspeth quickly reminded herself. It had nothing to do with her. A sharp twinge of disappointment got her under the ribs. Would someone as suave and sophisticated as Mack MacDiarmid want to kiss the real Elspeth? Not flipping likely. ‘That’s very flattering but—’

‘There’s nothing about you having a nut allergy in any of the interviews you’ve given. Why is that?’ Mack’s tone had a probing edge that sent a wave of alarm through her.

‘Yes, well, I didn’t want to make a big issue out of it...or to have someone sabotage me just before an important shoot. Believe me, it’s a jungle out there.’ Elspeth was pleased with how she was handling the situation. Who knew she could think on her feet so well? She had clearly missed her calling as an improvisation actor.

His frown deepened. ‘Another model would actually do that?’

‘Who knows? It’s very competitive out there on the runway. I decided long ago not to risk it.’ She forced another smile on her lips and added, ‘Erm...shouldn’t we be getting back to the rest of the party?’

‘What’s the hurry?’ His hand slid deeper into the cloud of her hair, sending more tingles over her scalp and a shiver skittering down her spine.

She was conscious of his strongly muscled thighs standing within inches of her own. Conscious of the citrus and wood notes of his aftershave. Conscious of how much she wanted him to kiss her. Conscious of the way his gaze kept tracking to her mouth. Her lips tingled in anticipation. Every inch of her skin tightening and twitching with awareness. ‘They might be wondering what we’re up to...’

His lazy smile did strange things to her heart rate. ‘Maybe they think I’m making mad passionate love to you in the library.’

‘Wh-why would they think that? I only met you an hour or so ago.’

‘That’s not stopped you before, or so I’m told.’

She moved out of his hold, wrapping her arms around her middle, her face hot as fire. ‘You shouldn’t believe everything you’re told.’