ELSPETHHADONLYbeen home a matter of hours when Elodie turned up. She breezed in with her usual whirlwind restless energy and plonked herself down on the squishy sofa, curling her slim legs beneath her. ‘It was all for nothing,’ she said without preamble. ‘The financial backers pulled out. I’m back where I started unless I can find someone else to fund my label. And that’s hardly likely now everyone knows I’m the one who caused Fraser MacDiarmid’s wedding to be cancelled.’
‘I’m so sorry,’ Elspeth said, curling up next to her. ‘But things kind of backfired for me too.’
Elodie made a poor you moue with her mouth. ‘So, your little fling with the Laird of Crannochbrae came to an end?’
Elspeth picked up one of the scatter cushions and began to toy with the ribbed hem. ‘I ended it, actually.’
‘Because for the first part of our time together, he thought I was you. I wasn’t convinced he liked me for me.’
‘You mean he found out you were you and not me? What, did you tell him? You promised me you wouldn’t.’
‘He guessed before I told him.’
‘Did anyone else guess?’
‘No, only him.’
‘Smart guy.’
‘Yes, very. I think he suspected something right from the start even though I was doing my level best to be you.’
Elodie gave a tinkly bell laugh. ‘I would have loved to be a fly on the wall, especially when Fraser saw you.’
Elspeth gave a mock glower. ‘I’m not sure I’ve quite forgiven you for not telling me about him.’
‘Sorry about that but I just wanted to forget it ever happened.’
‘Having met him, I can understand that. But Mack is nothing like him. He’s so rock steady and hard-working and he’s sacrificed so much for his family.’
‘So why did you end it with him if you liked him so much?’
‘Because I wanted more.’
‘More as in what?’
‘More as in love.’
Elodie leaned forward, her expression incredulous. ‘Are you saying you’re in love with him?’
Elspeth tossed the cushion to one side. ‘I know it probably sounds ridiculous, but I think I fell in love with him more or less straight away.’
Elodie bounced off the sofa as if there were an ejector button beneath her. ‘For pity’s sake, Els, you can’t possibly fall in love that quickly. You’re a little star-struck by him, that’s all. You have so little experience with men, no wonder you fancy yourself in love with him. I was like that with Lincoln. He was so charming and suave it blew me away but look how that ended.’
‘I might not have as much experience as you do, but I know what I feel. He wanted me to move in with him. That would have meant me quitting my job and uprooting my life to live with him in Scotland. How would Mum cope with that?’
‘You have to stop worrying about Mum. It’s your life and you have to live it the way you want.’
‘I know and what I want is someone to love me. To be brave enough to at least be open to the possibility. Mack doesn’t want to settle down, and he’s ruled out the possibility of ever falling in love.’
‘It doesn’t mean he won’t fall in love,’ Elodie said. ‘The more those hardened playboys protest, the harder they fall.’ She plonked back down on the sofa. ‘I’m glad you’re back, though. I was dreading someone taking a picture of you with Mack and people thinking it was me.’
Elspeth frowned. ‘Why were you so worried about that?’
Elodie shrugged. ‘My reputation is already shot to pieces. I don’t need any more scandals attached to my name.’ She blew out a long breath and added, ‘But thanks for stepping in for me at the wedding. I’m sure you did a great job of being me.’