He put his wine glass down, his expression cast in shadowed lines. It seemed an age before he spoke, as if he was feeling compromised by talking about something he had let go a long time ago. ‘I had dreams of becoming a professional musician.’
‘What do you play?’
‘The piano.’
‘Do you still play? I didn’t see a piano at Crannochbrae and there isn’t one here.’
He gave a twisted smile. ‘The one at Crannochbrae was sold after my father died. I haven’t bothered replacing it since. I haven’t played in years.’
‘Do you miss it?’
‘Not any more.’
‘But you did?’
Something flickered through his gaze—a flash of a memory, a lingering emotion, a hint of regret. ‘For a while but I had to be practical. It’s hard to make money as a professional musician. And I had to make money, lots of money, or my family’s estate would have been lost.’
Elspeth wondered what else he had given up in order to keep his family’s assets on track. He had sacrificed his dream and his youth to protect his family as well as his father’s mistress and love child. She stood from her chair and came over to place her hand on his broad shoulder, looking deep into his eyes. ‘I think you’re amazing, Mack.’ Her voice was as whisper-soft as the light breeze that teased the nearby shrubbery.
His hand came up to encircle her wrist, his fingers warm and strong. He tugged her down to his lap, his arms going around her. His eyes moved back and forth between each of hers for endless moments, his breath catching as if he saw something in her gaze that affected him deeply. One of his hands began to stroke from between her shoulder blades to the base of her spine—long, slow, languorous strokes that triggered a sensual storm in her body. His mouth drifted closer as if in slow motion. Her breath caught in anticipation, her hands going to his broad shoulders, her heart kicking up its pace. His lips brushed hers in a barely there kiss. A feather-light touch that sent a tingle through her lips and straight to her core. He placed his mouth against hers again, firmer this time, his lips moving in a leisurely massaging motion that sent her pulse racing.
He lifted his mouth off hers, caught and held her gaze for a pulsing beat—an erotic silent interval that ramped up her need of him like a flame on dry tinder. He didn’t say a word. He simply framed her face with his hands and kissed her again—a deep and passionate kiss that sent a shower of sparks down her spine. His tongue tangled with hers in a sexy dance that made her heart beat all the harder and faster.
Finally, he eased back to look at her, his own breathing heavy. ‘I think you’re pretty amazing too.’ His voice had a rusty edge, his gaze warm and tender. So tender, she wondered if he was developing feelings for her. Or was she fooling herself? Mistaking raw passion for something else?
Elspeth traced a line around his sculptured mouth with her finger. ‘Make love to me?’
He pressed a hot hard kiss to her mouth and stood, taking her with him. ‘With pleasure,’ he said, and carried her indoors.