He gently eased away from her and got off the bed, reaching for his underwear and trousers and stepping into them. Elspeth scrambled off the other side of the bed, suddenly feeling shy. ‘I think I’ll have a shower...’
Mack came over to her and lifted her chin with his index finger, his eyes searching hers. ‘I’m glad you came here with me.’
‘I’m glad you asked me.’
He smiled and dropped another kiss to her lips. ‘I’ll rustle us up some food. We can eat out on the terrace.’
‘Sounds lovely.’
Elspeth made her way to the bathroom and stood under a refreshing shower, her thoughts tied up in knots. Every time Mack kissed her, every time he made love with her, every time he even looked at her, her heart leapt. Her twin could handle a fling, Elspeth could not. She didn’t have the emotional software. It was like running the wrong operating system on a computer—it was incompatible with her nature. She didn’t have the emotional armour to keep her feelings out of it. Was it because he was her first lover? Didn’t they say no one ever forgot their first lover? Some couldn’t forget because the experience wasn’t pleasant, others because it was special, a once-in-a-lifetime event that signalled the beginning of sexual activity.
Making love that first time with Mack was unforgettable and each time since, even more so. His touch was imprinted on her flesh, she couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else to touch her. She couldn’t imagine wanting any other lips to kiss hers, any other arms to hold her close.
And that was a problem because Mack didn’t hold his lovers close for long.
Mack organised some food and drink but his mind was still replaying every moment of their recent lovemaking. He’d had plenty of lovers in the past and not one of them had made him feel the way Elspeth did. Her touch unlocked something inside him, opening up possibilities in his head he had never considered before. The possibility of having more than a short-term fling with her. Not anything too serious, of course. There was a boundary line in his head he had no intention of ever stepping over, not even for someone as adorable as Elspeth. But he did want more time with her. How could he have thought a few days would be enough? Normally it would be. He’d be ready to move on and wouldn’t have a twinge of conscience about doing so.
The word ‘love’ wasn’t totally foreign to him. He had loved his mother deeply, he had even loved his father, for all his faults. And he loved his brother and only wanted the best for him. He even loved his father’s love child, his half-sister, Daisy. He had invested in her life, paying for her education and visiting her and her mother when he could. It was the least he could do after the devastation his father had caused in their lives.
But loving someone in a romantic sense had never been a possibility and he wasn’t sure it ever could be. It hadn’t even crossed his mind before now. He hadn’t allowed it to. But something about Elspeth made him realise he had been short-changing himself in his relationships. He had always held part of himself back. He had engaged physically but not emotionally. Sex was just sex. It was a pleasant experience that had satisfied him physically but left him empty emotionally.
But not with Elspeth.
Something stirred in him every time he was with her. A soft flutter in his chest, like the hard-shelled pupa of a moth or butterfly slowly opening. He wanted more time with her. More time to explore the chemistry they shared but also more time to get to know her. Not to fall in love with her. That wasn’t his game plan at all.
Elspeth came wandering into the kitchen with her hair still damp from her shower. Her face was completely bare of make-up and yet she looked as stunningly beautiful as ever. She was wearing a simple sleeveless dress that skimmed her body in all the right places, flowing out in a wide skirt around her ankles. Her feet were bare, which made her seem even more petite next to him. She carried over her shoulder a small bag that he assumed carried her EpiPens and her phone. He could only imagine the background worry she must deal with on a daily basis because of her allergy. He had been extra vigilant over preparing their supper, giving his housekeeper strict instructions to remove all nuts and nut products and to thoroughly clean all surfaces.
‘Can I help?’ she asked with a smile.
Mack leaned down to press a kiss to her mouth. ‘You’ll only distract me. Go and take the wine out to the terrace. I’ll bring some supper out in a minute.’
She snaked her arms around his waist, her slim body pressing up against his sending fireworks through his blood. He hardened to stone, his need of her rising with every one of his heartbeats. ‘I like distracting you.’
Mack liked it too, way too much. ‘Wicked little minx.’ He gathered her in his arms and lowered his mouth to hers in a deep kiss that made the hairs of the back of his neck stand up. He stroked one of his hands up and down the slender length of her spine, crushing her to him, relishing in the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest. Was there no end to this burning desire he had for her? He wanted her with a hunger that was relentless, all consuming, overwhelming.
She murmured sounds of encouragement and pressed even closer, one of her hands reaching up to play with his hair. Her touch sent shivers rolling down his spine, making him ache to possess her.
But he had to prove to himself he wasn’t completely driven by raw desire. He had to prove to himself he could resist her because surely this craziness would soon burn itself out? It always did. The first flush of lust would soon fade to the point where he couldn’t wait to get away. To move on to other more exciting pastures. He never wanted someone longer than a few days. He didn’t want the complication of a long-term relationship. He didn’t seek it, he didn’t encourage it, he didn’t allow it.
And yet...and yet...something kept tugging at him deep inside, a vague sense that he was somehow robbing himself by keeping things short and shallow. Mostly because it was impossible to be shallow with Elspeth. She was sweet and caring, with deep layers of intelligence he was only beginning to discover. She had deep insights about life in spite of her sheltered existence. A wise perspective on people and relationships that he admired.
Mack gave her bottom a playful pat and lifted his mouth off hers. ‘Hold that thought. Supper first.’
Elspeth gave a mock pout. ‘Spoilsport.’
Mack couldn’t resist planting one more kiss to her lips because her mouth was the most kissable he had ever come across. ‘Off you go before I change my mind.’
She stroked a soft hand down the line of his jaw, her gaze suddenly uncomfortably direct. ‘Does that ever happen? You changing your mind?’
Mack released her with a tight smile. ‘Not often. And certainly not when emotions are involved.’
‘Do you ever allow them to be involved?’
She smiled back and picked up the tray off the bench that had a bottle of local wine and two glasses on it. ‘That’s what I thought.’ But something about h