He scoffs, fingers tapping the table with a harrumph. “It wasn’t enough to gain the seat? You married her?”

Not sure why it matters to him, so I refrain from offering further explanation. “Yes.”

He accepts his bourbon from Gage with a gracious nod, eyes returning to me. “The board will see this as a breach of trust, a power play.”

“With all due respect, Mr. O’Reilly, I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks. They have no leg to stand on here because it’s done. She’s mine. I’m the one who is delivering what no one else could, so it seems appreciation is more in order than mistrust.”

He wrenches his lips up, seemingly more amused by mybluntness than offended. “Certainly. I am appreciative. You’ve found her and kept her safe, no matter your motives. It will be noted.”

“My motive is her protection.” I swig a hefty gulp of my scotch, agitated that my motivations could possibly be called into question. “Her safetymustbe guaranteed, or she willnotbe accepting the seat.”

Ivy may think it’s up to her, but it isn’t. I won’t hesitate to upend this whole endeavor or erase us all if things go sideways, despite her decision.

His eyebrows knit with an indignant chuckle. “As I’ve stated in the past, her well-being is also my top concern. I didn’t spend twenty-three years searching for her to put her in harm’s way. However, I am exempt from planning her trial and possibly her loyalty test for the marriage. My hands are tied there.”

That is, unfortunately, true and a fact that has my stomach in knots. Most people undergoing the trials have multiple connections, having grown up in the life. Ivy’s only ally is removed from speaking on her behalf because he chose her as his successor. It breeds a shitload of uncertainty.

“Understood,” I allow, acknowledging the bind he’s in. “I haven’t announced our marriage to the board, so when you pass it on, pass the warning on as well.”

He smirks. “Not prepared to do it yourself, having obtained the seat?” The reality of my fragile position hits him with that question. “Ahh, you’re awaiting your trial as well.”

“Yes.” A sigh huffs out of me, the weight of everything crashing into me at once. “Regarding that, Ivy doesn’t know I have a seat.”

“Why is that?” He tilts his head, lifting his glass with a taunting glare. “So protective yet secret keeping so soon?”

Although he’s her birth father, Ivy is mine, and explaining myself is not something I’m pleased to be doing. “I’ll tell her at the conclusion of her trial. She needs to focus on what she’ll be navigating, not worrying about me.”

His lips twitch with a thoughtful frown. “Noble.”

I swish the dwindling amber liquid around, setting the crystalglass back on the table with a clink. “My job asher husbandis to place her needs above my own and protect her, Mr. O’Reilly. I will not allow anything oranyoneto interfere with that.”

“Noted.” He taps a finger on the side of his glass, his gaze lifting to mine. “You’re brazen, Mr. Wells, but I like you. You and your team have managed impressive work, conquering a feat countless teams before you failed at, and I respect your no-nonsense approach to caring for my daughter. I’ll share my approval with your grandfather and the board.” He lifts his drink, pausing in thought. “Does Ivy know of your relation?”

“No.” I hate keeping anything else from her, but I don’t want her distracted by anything other than her own trial.

“Fine,” he says. “It will remain that way. May I meet her now?”

I flick my eyes to Gage, who leaves the room to open the adjoining door in the back living room of the suite. Moments later, Ivy saunters in, flanked by Liam and Ty, with Gage manning O’Reilly’s guard, Robert.

She offers her hand, combating the awkwardness I know she’s battling. “Mr. O’Reilly, it’s an honor to meet you.”

Standing to greet her, he takes her hand in both of his, eyes glossy. “The honor is all mine, sweet girl. I …” He clears his throat, plainly choked up. “I’ve waited for this moment for so long, and you are far more lovely than I could have imagined. You favor your mother. She was incredibly beautiful.”

Ivy swallows, obviously grappling with her discomfort. “Thank you.” She takes her seat beside me and across from him, smoothing her sensible forest-green dress down—the linen fabric and her three-strand pearl choker cover my marks completely, but I know they’re there.


Her back stiffens ramrod straight in the chair, and her teeth snag her lower lip before she corrects and heaves a steadying breath.

Ty joins us at the table, choosing the chair at the end, centered between Ivy and our guest, while Liam hovers directly behind her,and Gage returns to his position after delivering a glass of lemonade to Ivy.

O’Reilly regains himself, a smile coasting across his face as he takes her in. “So, tell me about yourself, Ivy.”

She rolls her lips in, her eyes studying him for a beat. “What would you like to know, sir? My qualifications for the position or something else?”

He chuckles adoringly. “No, dear. For the moment, humor me as a father who is at last in the presence of the daughter stolen from him. Did you have a good childhood?”

Her hand reaches over to my lap, clutching mine for support as her voice quivers. “The best.”