Striking blue eyes locked on mine, she lowers her hand, massaging her clit with a gasp as I lift my palm to her throat. I don’t squeeze hard. I won’t venture into breath play unless she requests it since she’s admitted it scares her. But the element of peril excites her, and I aim to give my girl what she needs. She nods in encouragement, so I tighten my grip slightly.

Moving my other hand to her breast, I slap the inside and pinch her nipple until she yelps, riding me harder, rubbing herself more vigorously. “That’s my good girl. Take what you need, Little Storm.”

A sheen of sweat breaks out over her skin, like it always does when she’s ready, a shimmering luster declaring her peak. “I’m going to … please let me come, Wells.”

Her polite begging sends a rush of heat blasting through my abdomen. “Jesus, fuck,” I growl. “Yes. Come with me, Ives. Now.”

And with a scream that slices into the inky night, she comes apart in my arms while I shudder around her.

When we’re both composed, I dress my wife, carry her to our bed, and remind her that she’s mine again and again. Our days are numbered before everything gets all fucked up. I’m determined to make them count.

It’s been four days since I divulged some information about KORT to Ivy. She hasn’t asked a single question, probably storing them up to bulldoze me with an onslaught on Black Friday.

I tap my desk, sucking on a mouthful of Sour Skittles, while I lead my early morning meeting with the guys and she sleeps. “Status?”

“Yeah.” Liam scratches at the stubble lining his jaw. “Those accounts I drained at the end of September, based on a damn hunch from a flimsy connection, panned out—slowed the fucker’s activity for sure. I still don’t have an identity though. The asshole’s good. The first IP address was completely untraceable. The second was concealed enough that I only have it narrowed down to the Midwestregion. Looks like that was done through someone working for him—slightly sloppier. When was your phone call with O’Reilly?”

“Last night. Why?”

Liam’s face is drawn, serious, nauseating the fuck out of me. “The hit was rescinded today, marked as completed. He’s been silent for the past several weeks. I assumed that was because he knew I was fucking with him. But this was a clear message to lay off. The good news is, she’s not being hunted by every hit man in the country, but the timing—”

“If it was the funding, it would’ve happened sooner.” I jump out of my chair, unsettled.

Sounds like her pursuers know identity, location, and delivery dates will be revealed shortly.

“Yes,” he confirms.

“What exactly was discussed in the call?” Ty probes.

Pacing behind my desk, I spit it all out, “O’Reilly wants to meet her, which is a fair request before she undergoes her trial. I told him I’d arrange a meeting by the end of the month. I’d love to believe that message got out and the hit being rescinded is due to acceptance that the seat is hers, but that’s doubtful.”

Liam sighs, dragging his hand down his face. “My thoughts too.”

“I also spoke to Cabrini.”Fuck.I should’ve known better, speaking to both in the same day. It makes all of the contacts in both circles suspect rather than narrowing it to one.

“Fucking hell,” Gage barks. He rarely speaks up in these meetings unless we have a mark for him to stalk. His exasperation is a testament to his attachment to my Little Storm.

“And he wanted?” Ty asks, feigning calmness while the rest of us quietly unravel.

I swipe my hand back and forth over my hair, beating a well-worn path into the wood floor. “The Cabrini name is on the line. He’s announced me as his successor, and of course, the knowledge that Ivy’s in my custody has also been released—not that anyone, including him, knows our location yet. He didn’t share about ourmarriage because I want to do that with O’Reilly in person. But he’s anxious, said we both need to be ready by December first.”

Ty scoffs, finally showing the heaviness we all feel. “If you’re arranging a meeting and we’ve got a December first deadline, don’t you think it’s fucking time we tell her who she is?”

“The day after Thanksgiving,” I affirm what I’ve already told them.

“Laying it on her at the last minute like that, do you really think that’s best?” he snaps.

My hand yanks at my mussed hair with a sting. “I don’t fucking know.”

“Well, I do,Chief,” Ty snarls, rising with a glower. “It’s bullshit. She needs to know now.”

“Sit the fuck down, Ty,” Liam orders through clenched teeth. “We’re not gonna start fighting about this. It’s complicated enough.”

“What if she runs?” Gage voices the aching question we all have. “She’ll be in danger, and we’ll be fucked for a failed promise, needing to run as well.”

I drop into my chair. “Fuck. I’m not ready. I can’t—”

“I can,” Ty says, composed and seated, but inflexible nonetheless. “She may be your wife but keeping her in the dark doesn’t work for me. You’re underestimating how she feels about you, Wells. How she feels about all of us. She won’t give that up. But she deserves time to accept this before they put her through whatever version of hell we all have waiting.”