I swish the amber liquid around my glass, toying with how I want to handle this. “I’m not opposed to killing him even if she doesn’t agree with it. But we don’t yet know if he’s paid anyone else to take her out. He knows you’re after him, so it’s doubtful he’s working alone. But he’s been smart with his communication so far. We’vediscussed paying him a visit, giving him incentive to give anyone else up, and killing him, but the Montgomery name has a far reach. His father is well connected, as you know, and oddly, other than his involvement here—which we don’t want to use—he’s squeaky clean.” I hesitate, lifting my glass. “But there is another girl.”

“Hailey Holden,” Axel offers before Ryker adds, “His last victim.”

“Yes,” I confirm. “Missing for nearly three years, after filing a domestic suit against him.”

“Mercy would prefer us to use our resources to find her,” Ty explains. “So far, no leads.”

Axel gestures for Ryker to sit while he turns back to us. “What exactly does that solve?”

“Maybe nothing,” I say honestly. “The girl could be dead, and finding a body is unlikely. But we have a compromise.”

Ryker exhales. “We’re listening.”

“Give us until February first. If we haven’t uncovered all we need to ensure her safe return, we’ll take him out or haul him back to you for the honor of doing so.” That is the best I’m willing to offer at the present time. Ivy is our critical focus now. I added the delivery because the Noire brothers are untouchable here, but outside these walls, they don’t hold the same anonymity pass we do.

“Why February first?” Axel glances at Ivy with that question.

“Yes. Highest priority right now, and Mercy is safe.” I won’t apologize for taking care of my own affairs first. “On the other side of this, we will make Montgomery our top concern.”

Axel rises. “Fair enough. We appreciate all you’ve done for her.” He nudges Ryker, who unclenches his jaw as we all stand.

“He’s right. We do,” Ryker concedes. “Being separated from Mercy has been more hellish than expected. I don’t know whatshemeans to you”—he jerks his head toward Ivy—“but maybe you can imagine the agony of not being there for her worst moments.”

Ty and I trade a knowing look. We’ve had Ivy in our daily sights for nearly five years. Even from afar, she’s been a constant. Regardlessof our mission, a certain level of comfort and attachment accompanies that for us all. The loss alone would be devastating. Add in the trauma Mercy has endured, and Ryker’s reaction is well controlled.

My shoulders relax with a commiserating sigh. “I’m sure this has been excruciating. The fact that you haven’t set him and every person he’s ever spoken to on fire is impressive. Can’t say I’d be capable of the same.”

Ty and Axel both chuckle at that.

“He wanted to,” Axel remarks, swiping a few ash-brown strands from his forehead. “And if I hadn’t repeatedly insisted it would push Mercy away completely, all of New Orleans would be ablaze, consequences be damned.”

“I assure you, Ryker,” Ty adds, “we’d have the same response.”

Ready to wrap things up and move on to the lighter part of the evening, I button my jacket and edge myself in the direction of Ivy. “The James Bond 60thAnniversary Macallan in the suite was very much appreciated.”

Axel chuckles, squeezing my shoulder. “Thought you’d like that. Consider it a wedding present.”

Ty buttons his suit jacket as well, motioning to Liam so he knows we’re leaving, before turning back to Axel to share thanks for the other personalized gifts in our suite—a favorite alcohol for each of the guys. “The Ron Bacardi Vintage, Pappy Van Winkle, and Clase Azul were nice additions since the three of us are merely guests. We’re all excited for the weekend.”

Once Liam and Gage join us, we exchange a few more words of appreciation and some humorous side notes before I palm Ivy’s head. She glances up at me, plucking out her earbuds and hiding them and her book inside her purse. I clutch her hand in mine, leading her to the door, where everyone has gathered.

Her eyes scan over the group. Maybe it’s intimidating, standing amongst nine men—all of whom have done things she can’t fathom—but she doesn’t let on if that’s the case. “It was a pleasure meeting all of you,” she says.

“You too, Ivy.” Axel lifts her hand, kissing the back of it while eyeing me to see if I mind. He can taunt as well as Liam if given an inch. When I don’t convey the reaction he anticipated, he grins and lets her go. “Everything is set for your dinner tonight at L’ange Noire. And my sister, Rena, is hoping you’ll allow her to be part of the wedding prep tomorrow. She could use some girl time.”

“I’d love that.” She smiles, genuinely pleased with the idea. “I am in desperate need of some girl time myself.” Giggling, she peers at Ty, Liam, Gage, and me, as though we’ve been exhausting her.

Right back at ya, Little Storm.

Dinner last night at L’ange Noire was a welcome break. The five of us relaxed for both the meal and a couple of hours of casino time with the expected banter, but no bickering. It was exactly what I needed. Tomorrow, Ivy and I will be officially wed, which will secure one huge hurdle and lead us toward the final steps. The relief, knowing the end is in sight, along with the peaceful rhythm the five of us have achieved, has me feeling much lighter.

Walking out to the suite’s dining room, I notice Ty and Liam are trained on their computer screens. And more importantly, Ivy is missing. “Where’s the Little Storm?”

Ty glances up. “Tanning poolside.” My jaw clenches as I prepare to chastise, but he continues, “Gage is with her. We wouldn’t have let her go unattended.”

Gage playing bodyguard by the pool brings a chuckle out of me. “Fine. Before I forget, Ty, you’ll be with her and Rena all afternoon and tomorrow, prior to the ceremony. I’ve informed the stylist she can pick whatever dress, jewelry, and other accessories she likes. She and Rena are booked at the spa tomorrow, so that should cover most of it. But find out if there’s anything else she wants.”

Ty and Liam both smirk at me.