I set an irked gaze on him while pointedly gulping the entire contents of said bottle and passing the empty back to him with a contrived smile. It goes without saying that my husband will be neurotic about, well,anythingconcerning me or his baby. But it’s plain that all of these men are going to be intolerable for the next six months, and once he or she arrives, they’ll probably make my parents’ helicopter parenting look like neglect. Frustrating, but I love it. It’s exactly what my father would have wanted.

Leaning into Ty’s embrace, I keep my voice low so only he can hear. “I’m good. Promise. But you all need to chill out. I’m terrified you’re all going to croon ‘Goodnite, Sweetheart, Goodnite’ at my stomach. Won’t be much of a secret then.”

He chuckles. “Right.Fourmen,” he quips, confirming he picked up theThree Men and a Babyreference. “Sorry, Freckles. It’s been a big day.” He pecks my temple and straightens, the taut strain of his voice and expression surrendering to a feigned casualness. “What are you girls up to?”

“Rescuing Rena,” Celeste supplies, her eyes devouring thehandsome Noire brothers, who are heatedly conducting their own interrogation.

Ty scans the scene, but his gaze lingers on a softer, spunkier Noire. “Yeah, you should. They’ve been fighting all day. She was supposed to bring a date, but he—”

“Was unexpectedly delayed,” I finish. “We’ve heard the rant. Give us some girl time, okay? Distract Rena’sguardsand my husband until fireworks.”

Ty’s the easiest with my pleas, although the guys have been chastising him for it lately, so it’s more challenging than it used to be.

His eyes fling between Celeste and me, Wells and Liam, to Rena, and back. “I’ll run interference, but be good.”

I howl incredulously, eyebrows pinched tight. “We’re at home, hosting a party. What the hell would I do?” Before he can think about it, I kiss his cheek with a chaste, “Thanks,” and scurry off, arm in arm with Celeste.

“Oh, we need some fucking girl talk all right.” She balks. “I’ve got questions, bestie.”

“Hold them until we grab Rena,” I say out of the side of my mouth, right as I plant myself before Ryker and Axel with petitioning eyes. “Can we steal her?” I link my free arm with Rena’s. United we stand.

Axel flashes his customary pearly grin. It’s all charisma and charm for the reigning debauchery king of New Orleans. “You ladies look lovely tonight. Great party, Ivy.”

“Thanks, Axel. I’m glad you all made it for at least a bit.” My eyes set on Ryker. “So?”

He and I have struck both a respect for one another and a friendship since we moved here.

“Sure.” His glacial blues swirl with a tender warmth. He’s been privy to some of my struggles, and much like my guys, he’s harbored some uncharacteristic guilt and worry. “You good?”

I nod. He’s nearly as sweet as my four guys these days too. “Better,” I assure him.

His smile is wistful and pensive as he shoves his hands in his pockets on an exhale. “Good.” He kicks his chin toward Rena. “See if you can stamp out the defiance in my little pest here.”

“Might be easier if you come up with a new term of endearment,” I gibe.

“It fits,” he deadpans. “You and Wells are coming on Monday, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” I call out as we drag Rena away before he can change his mind.

Wells and I have been lunching with Ryker and Axel on Mondays since the move. I hang with Rena afterward while they discuss guy stuff and gruesome subjects I prefer to claim plausible deniability on.

As I haul the girls to the house so we can have some privacy, I commend Rena. “You are getting so much better. You didn’t interrupt once to get a jab in, and see, I got you outta there lickety-split.”

“It isn’t in my nature, but I can’t deny it’s more efficient.” She bleats a humorous laugh. “I’m at my wits’ end. I know they fucking did something. Nick was all set to come, and now, he’s ghosting me. Makes no sense. I’m piercing my clit. And then I’m going to describe it to them until their ears bleed.”

“Ouch.” I shiver at the thought and briefly consider it.No.“Do not pierceanythingdown there. I’m working on them. You have to give me time.” I’m sure that’s little consolation, but Rena’s proclivity for poking holes in her body is dizzying.

“So, what?” Celeste chimes. “They expect you to never date anyone? How does that make sense?”

“Apparently, they’ll be fine with her dating whentheyfind someone suitable,” I explain, repeating the essence of the lengthy excuse Axel and Ryker provided when I last chastised them about it.

“There willneverbe anyone suitable.” Rena throws a dejected hand into the air as we meander around some empty lounge chairs on the flagstone patio and enter the morning room through the sliding glass doors. The scent of seared meat and vegetables waftsinside with us from the grill Gage is manning. Rena’s shoulders slump with a grumbled, “I’ll be an old hag with a houseful of hissing brothers instead of cats.”

“No way we’re letting that happen,” I promise. I’ve been easing them into granting Rena more freedom. It’s much like feeding a baby with the airplane method. Sometimes, they spit out everything I offer. Good practice. “Kitchen or library?” I ask.

“Kitchen has alcohol,” Celeste reasons to which Rena whoops.

To the kitchen we go.