After the chick flicks, we share our hopes and a picnic by the pond before an afternoon in the library, scanning books and picking one to read together. It’s the most harmonious activity I’ve ever shared with anyone—his legs entwining me, arms draped around my waist, his rasp low in my ear while reading a love story to me. My heart nearly bursts out of my chest, fluttering through every page.

The fairy tale continues all evening. We bake bread and meatloaf and cheesy potatoes, laughing through the meal at our private joke every time the guys saymeatloaf. We whip up snickerdoodles for dessert—garnering me a big fat kiss on the cheek from Gage—and retreat back to the bedroom for another chapter. I fall asleep in Wells’s arms and wake to him still cuddling me, certain I experienced the best twenty-four hours of my life. And more importantly, that there’s nowhere I belong more, and it’s only the beginning.

Wells is conducting his morning meeting with the guys later than usual, due to us sleeping in and his insistence on taking care of me before we risked a repeat itch from yesterday, so I’ve wandered into the basement. I’m down here nearly every day, working with Liam, learning the ins and outs of the cyber world—something I find fascinating. But last week, I noticed a baseboardloose and had an idea. It’s been a distraction since.

Taking out a paint pen, recently purchased after I put it on the shopping list that Wells’s staff magically fulfills, I lift the loose chunk of baseboard onto my lap and start scrolling my inspiration across the underside in artful penmanship. My own version of a time capsule. I’m not sure how long we’ll stay in this house—part of me thinks forever wouldn’t be enough. It’s home in every sense of the word—a place I’ve grown into myself and become.

I set it down, examining my handiwork and blowing it dry to ensure it doesn’t smear.

Within these walls, I am traveling an epic journey, mining a piece of my soul that I never knew was missing—all because of the love of one astounding man, whose heart is the shooting star I caught, and the comfort of a family of men who offered the net to catch it.

I am forever yours, Gavin Wells. Thank you for this life.

Using the hammer and nail I brought with me, I fasten the baseboard in place. My little secret. It’s kind of silly, but it’s something I can show him years from now, maybe on our fifth anniversary since wood is the designated gift—courtesy of my research this morning.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I whip it out to find a text from Rena.

Rena: What’s up, girlie? Tell me something good.

I don’t even have to think, knowing exactly what she wants to hear most.

Me: Wells tied me up and shattered me with orgasms until I blacked out yesterday. Then, he wooed me—a bath, breakfast in bed, candy, picnic, rom-coms, baking, and reading together.

Rena: Your perfect day! Gotta love a man who knows how to make upside-down romance seem planned—getting the sex out of the way so you can concentrate.

Me: Exactly. I was utterly boneless.

Rena: LOL. I bet. Now, I’m jealous. I need a man. Sigh. Preferably someone who can fuck me into oblivion. Find me one. ASAP.

I laugh. Rena’s texts are a daily highlight. I hope she finds someone.

Me: I sense the state of emergency. Top of my list.

Rena: Great. Gotta run. Thinking of tattooing my tits and wearing a plunging neckline to piss Axel off. Thoughts?

Sometimes she worries me though.

Me: Uh … don’t. Too extreme. Piercings are removable. Tattoos aren’t. Best not done in a moment of rage. What’d he do?

Rena: Sent out an APB for me all over the resort because I went on a date. The sissy practically pissed himself, ditching me.

Me: Sounds like Axel saved you.

Rena: That’s what Axel said. Whose side are you on? He won’t be happy until I’m a nun, but then he’ll off the priest.

Me: Yours. Always yours. No priests will be harmed in the love life of Rena Noire.

Rena: Fine. I’ll think of something else. Maybe a chain between my facial piercings.

Me: Now, you’re talking. Go for a good one—diamond encrusted.

Rena: Perfect. Love you, girl.

Me: Love you too.

I put my phone back in my pocket and saunter upstairs to find Ty perched at the island, eating a bowl of cereal. I scooch in nextto him. “You like Rena, don’t you? I saw you checking her out at La Lune Noire.”

His eyes brighten for a half second before he masks his interest. “Off-limits.”