“After almost two decades of hiding my daughter in plain sight, it should be obvious I don’t lack resources. Some might even say I have the best in the world. When you scheduled your meeting with me, I conducted my own investigation on you. It was challenging since you had poofed into existence yourself, but perseverance pays off. I know who your family is, Mr. Wells.”
My mother spent her entire adult life on the run, hiding from who she was after falling in love with my father—an “unsuitable” man who adored her. She was barely eighteen herself when they met. We moved at least ten times before they died when I was sixteen.
But the trail to that information is nonexistent. How the fuck did he find out?
I clear my throat, swishing the last sip of my drink around the glass. “I can certainly respect a man who both protects his family and goes to the lengths necessary to vet someone asking to meet with him. What exactlydo you know about my mother?”
“Your family and the reason my daughter is being hunted are linked. I think we may be able to help each other out.”
What the hell does that even mean? Who the fuck is this guy?
This isn’t how I intended this to go, and yet I’m intrigued.
“I didn’t come here to strike a deal, Dr. Kingston. I came as a courtesy, so you’d know your daughter is being extracted by a team who intends to keep her safe.”
Because my mother, who believed I shared similar cutthroat qualities with her family, made me promise that if I ever turned into a monster—like she believed her father was—I’d have a heart.
A monster with a heart—whatever the hell that means.
“Suit yourself,” he says, “but my daughter will be erased from existence before our meeting concludes, so the way I see it, we work together, trust each other, or we both lose.” His eyes aren’t smug with that statement; they hold something more like disappointment—the smallest glimpse of the world he’s been desperately trying to spin.
I reach for my phone, thinking I should check on our surveillance, but Dr. Kingston raises his hand.
“There’s nothing to see, son. She’s already gone. You work with me, and she returns.”
There’s a single text from Gage, confirming Dr. Kingston’s promise.
Big Guy: Lost the mark. She just fucking disappeared.
I’m used to being the one with the upper hand in my dealings, but I see now I have more to learn.
My fingers fist in my lap. “I’m listening.”
“Your crew is far superior to the one I’ve had guarding Ivanna. The incompetent morons didn’t even detect you until last week. I’m guessing you’ve been around quite a bit longer.” His jaw tenses with disdain. “I don’t want to uproot her, so I’ll need to strengthen her security. I’d like you to stay close by and keep her hidden.”
While he isn’t pleading, as I expected, and he’s certainly more thorough and prepared than I would have ever anticipated, this I saw coming—offering a deal.
“Why would I do that? It would be in direct opposition to my orders.”
“Perhaps. But I’m guessing there isn’t a time frame for your orders.” There isn’t, but I don’t respond, so at my silence, he nods and continues, “There’s no time frame because they’ve been looking for eighteen years and they haven’t found her. I have extensive information to provide you, which will drastically enhance your negotiating power when you finally do hand her over.”
He wants to help me negotiate for delivering his daughter? That I didn’t expect.
“You’ll eventually hand her over willingly?” I keep all shock out of my voice, not letting on how off-kilter he has me.
He steeples his hands, scrutinizing me for a moment. “Yes. I believe Ivanna is exactly who Mr. O’Reilly hopes she’ll be.”
Jesus Christ.This guy is connected. Mr. O’Reilly is my client, but I’m not going to confirm that.
“And waiting benefits me how exactly?” I ask firmly.
“What’s the current price on her?” He quirks an eyebrow sardonically, plainly convinced money will solve everything. It could.
“Fourteen million.”