She shifts her chin toward me, and a slow smile slides over her cheeks as she plucks out one earbud. “Hi.” Her voice is rough and sultry, causing my cock to twitch.

My fingers pull at the loose strings on her bikini top. I’m sure she was avoiding tan lines, but this will be the last time she sunbathes like this at a public pool. Unacceptable. Slowly, I draw them up over her collarbone, grazing the skin along the way and watching chilled bumps flare in my wake as I tie them behind her neck. “I’m taking you to eat now. Get your things.”

She lowers her glasses to the tip of her button nose, her big blue eyes twinkling at me above the rims. “So damn bossy. I’m at a good part in my book. Thanks for asking.”

Leaning in, I let my lips latch on to her earlobe, knowing my breath and the wet contact will keep those bumps alive. “Yes, Ivanna, I am. And in one day, you’re going to realize what an understatement bossy is. Scared you can’t handle being married to me?”

Her breath catches, but she doesn’t falter for a second. “Bring it. Whatever you throw at me, Wells, I’ll shove it right back at ya. And you’ll hate yourself for how much you love it.”

Intuitively accurate.

With that, she rises from the daybed, sliding a plain white shirtdress over her head, gathering her belongings, and pulling out hermessy bun so those strands of fire drape her shoulders and cascade to her lower back. “Ready, dear,” she sings, meeting me toe to toe.

Gage isn’t wrong. This girl holds more power over me than I’d like, which needs to be fixed, butfuckif that sass of hers doesn’t undo me.

My arm snakes around her waist in a forceful sweep until she’s smashed against me, melting into my chest, her heart racing. Tangling my fingers into her hair, I force her neck up, my mouth nearly brushing hers so I can taste her lemon-scented breath. “Look at that. You talk like a brat, but you jumped right up to do as I ordered. Good girl, Ivy. You’ll do just fine.”

She clamps her lips and muffles a whimper.

Jesus, I want to claim her. Show her who owns her. Watch her drop to her knees, beg for my cock, and wrap those smart, pouty lips around it.

My little obsession.

This may be precarious, but it’s going to be far more fun than I ever imagined.


Ican’t stop staring at my ring. It’s not like I’m a stranger to exquisite jewelry. I’ve had custom-made pieces since I was young and always admired them. I did foolishly lose a one-of-a-kind necklace once. That didn’t go over well, to say the least. It was the only time my parents were truly angry with me. Probably because a rare jewel is priceless and a testament to our worth—that seems like the kind of fluffy society lie my mother feeds herself in spite of her heart of gold.

But this ring feels different.

The blue diamond is a deep cerulean blue, sparkling and stunning amid the white diamonds. Like a storm cloud.

It feels … personal.

A constant reminder that Wells calls me Little Storm.

A name my whole body responds to.

It’s not uncommon for emotional connections to be intensified during dramatic situations. Maybe that’s what I’m experiencing. Or maybe, even though I haven’t been kidnapped, it’s a form of Stockholm syndrome.

Because all I can think about is how I want to be his Little Storm more than I’ve ever wanted anything.


And I’m certain that’s what he’s thinking, but more in the way of ownership than emotional attachment. I see the way he looks at me, hisemerald eyes ablaze with desire. Like I’m something to conquer. I’ve never been looked at like that. I’m not sure he likes me much. It’s obvious I irritate him, but he definitely wants me.

To fuck me. Tame me. Own me.

It shouldn’t be enough. It shouldn’t be what I crave—to be lorded over. But as much as I push back because I like to screw with him and because my father raised me to be a fighter, what I want more than anything is to be claimed.

This whole situation has me seriously questioning myself.

But I’ve never shied away from being who I am, never given in to shame, and I won’t start now. I want Wells, and I’m not going to hide it.

He’ll be my husband in a little more than twenty-four hours. I might as well reap every benefit he has to offer.

And his body is irrefutably one of those benefits.