Sounds like you know the answer to that, Little Storm.“No. It’s fifty acres. Too many blind spots.”

“Who the hell have you pissed off that would hunt me on your property?” She reaches across the desk, chugging my scotch and promptly choking it down with a cough.

This conversation is rapidly going south. And I’m not sure how many more shifts in climate I can handle before my head explodes.

“That is an extensive list and not necessary for this conversation.” My tone grows stern. “I saidno. End of discussion.”

She rises with a whoosh, her jaw locking before she presses her hands onto my desk, the force blanching her fingers. “What the fuck did you just say? End of discussion?”

She spins, fisting her hair as Ty scurries past my office door where he was undoubtedly listening.

Run for the hills, brother.

“Ty!” she hollers.

He pops his head in, forehead scrunched in surrender. “Yeah, Freckles?”

“Please reason with this …Neanderthaland inform him I don’t need fucking bodyguards.”

Ty meanders into the room, light as always. “Now, that’s offensive. I’m a friend, tons of fun to hang with, not a bodyguard, and Wells is—”

“A classy escort,” Liam interjects, strolling in behind him. “He might even strip if you get on your knees and beg him. Right, Chief?”

“Jesus Christ,” I hiss.

Liam smirks. “Oh, my bad, Ivy. He’d much prefer foryouto strip before getting—”

“Can we stay on topic for one goddamn second?” I swipe my hand back and forth over my hair, blood boiling.

Gage tromps in next. So, the three of them were out there eavesdropping and giggling like little girls. Different than when I do it. As the one who carries the whole fucking world of everyone in this room, it’s a necessary evil.

Gage’s gaze sails through the room before docking on Ivy in suspicion. He puffs up his chest and sears me with his amber eyes. “Adam’s downfall was Eve. David’s was Bathsheba. Samson’s was Delilah. Sensing a pattern? Guinevere brought down King Arthur’s whole fucking kingdom. If that isn’t some foreshadowing shit right there, I don’t know what the hell is. This is too messy!”

For Christ’s sake, I don’t have time for this nonsense.

Ivy throws her arms out with a gasp. “I’msorry.”Fantastic. As if she wasn’t enraged enough.“Is that rant about me? Or against women in general? Misogynistic much? We’re only good for one thing,Gage, or do you fuck men?” She shakes her head. “Nah. I bet you can’t land them either. Looks like your hand gets plenty of use.”

Ty and Liam laugh, but Gage cracks his neck, muscles twitching in his jaw as he glares at her, and I have to grip my desk to keep from lunging over it and tearing him apart.

His nostrils flare. “Fuckingpussy has never been an issue, but it is like sleeping with the enemy.”

She claps her hands, the crack harmonizing with her hysterics like a resounding gong in the room. “You know, there’s a movie with that title. Theenemyis a pathetic, psychotic coward who’s a poor excuse for a man. Sound familiar?” Her rage turns on me with an eerie calmness. “Tell me this asshole isn’t one of my bodyguards.” With that, she collapses into the chair, plainly worn out by the afternoon.

“This is nice,” Liam chirps. “People underestimate the importance of quality time these days. So, what are we doing tonight, fam? Bowling? Movie?”

Ivy twists in her seat to face Ty. “Dom Toretto.TheFast and the Furious.”

I’m not sure what that’s about, but Ty bends in half, howling. “Shit, you’re hilarious, Freckles.”

Gage coughs into his fist. “Wrapped around her pint-size finger. Notice the death point on her manicured—”

“Enough!” I slam my fist against the desk like a gavel. “It’s like herding fucking cats. Ivanna, you will be with one of us at all times. Test me, and that goes for inside the house too.”

She jumps out of the chair, pings me with a fuming glower, and stalks from my office while I finish with the guys.

“Liam, get your smart-ass back to work. That is where we needqualitytime. And, Gage, do not let me hear one more goddamn comment that could be even mildly offensive to Ivy. You will apologize, and in the future you won’t so much as sneeze in her presence without excusing yourself and begging for her forgiveness. Understood?”

Resentment radiates off him, mostly due to old wounds, which I suspect he realizes. He simmers down, casting an apologetic nod. “Understood, Wells.”