He glances at her before turning back to his laptop. “I bet that’s inconvenient.”

“It’s a matter of perspective.” She nudges his bicep with a playful poke. “Like being pegged a good guy or a hero. Maybe my mind is full of gray matter.”

“You’re spacey but quick,” he says.

Maybe that was an inside joke between them. That thought turns my stomach. I’d give anything to Liam, except her. Not even her laughs and jokes.

He shakes his head. “Must’ve made school challenging. ADHD?”

“Now, you sound like my teachers did when I was growing up. My father wanted me to concentrate on the ways toadjust the worldto fitmy needsrather than a label requiringmeto adjust to the world, so I’m not sure. Some of that fits. I’m definitely not neurotypical, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve learned to use it to my advantage instead of being held back by it.”

She’s so strong, so determined. My molars grind at therealization that I’m not the one she’s sharing this with, but before I can get too hung up, she’s on to something else. “How come I never see staff, but none of you clean or do yard maintenance?”

Liam hammers away at the keyboard as if she hadn’t shared something deeply personal ten seconds ago. “Wells is skeptical of everyone. He has a staff of ten that comes on Mondays to do laundry, cleaning, yard upkeep. There’s even a cook who preps meals for us. But he won’t let anyone stay here or be on property daily. He locks anything important up on Monday morning and keeps them under surveillance.”

She laughs, fingers twirling a ginger strand. “He’s intense, huh?”

“That’s an understatement.” His eyes come off his screen and set on her. Flirty fucking smirk, no doubt. “Do you like that? Overbearing? Controlling?”

“Powerful. Dominant. Sexy. Yeah, that works.”

Jesus, she’s perfect. Doesn’t miss a beat and calls mesexyto Liam’s face. A goddamn dream.

“Down, girl,” Liam snipes with a chuckle. He’s going to fuck with her now.

Don’t let him get the upper hand, Little Storm.

He sets his laptop aside and twists his entire body toward her. “So, you’re sitting pretty then, aren’t you? Got the man. Got the house.”

“I’m not complaining.” She smiles, big and bright and full of life. “I mean, of course, Wells is a package deal, so it’s not simply a man and his house. There’s his crew”—she thrusts a hand out, motioning to him—“and the weird occupation. Although the career I find”—she licks her lips—“seductive. I can’t say the same for …” She stares at him for a beat, sweet smile still in place while letting the kill shot penetrate a bit deeper. “I’m afraid I’ve said too much. Wherearemy manners?”


Liam cackles. “That was beautiful, Ivy. Seamless. And since I know we’re only playing here, I won’t even hold that lie against you.You high-society girls never marry the man you’reactuallyattracted to. It’s bred into you—sad really.”

“Oh, isthatwhy you’re not taken? You’re the side piece? The pool boy? The help?”

She’s ruthless. I’m so fucking turned on right now, my cock is throbbing.

His arm stretches out behind her on the back of the couch. Not touching, but dangerously close.

He leans, blocking her face from me. “Is that your fantasy? Doing the pool boy right under your husband’s nose? And here I thought, you came for the house and our sweetrides.”

“I admit, thecarsand the house are turn-ons,” she says. “There’s nothing sexier than a two-story library, especially once my book boyfriends reside in it. They’re …talented.”

Book boyfriends?I’ll have to double back to that one later.

“Too bad.” He tsks. “This place is temporary.”


Her spine snaps woodenly straight, cool and collected bulldozed by rigid agitation. “Temporary? Who buys a multimillion-dollar home inOhioas a pit stop?”

He shrugs, reaching for his laptop. “We’re here for a job. When it’s done, we’ll move on.”

“Wells never mentioned that.” She scoffs. “Shouldn’t he haveasked meif I was willing to move?”

“I guess all that sexy, dominant power comes with secrets, darling.” His fingers rollick lightning fast over the keys. “That’s why thepool boyends up being enticing.”