So I drop to my knees and slap both palms on her ass, spanking her good and tight until she’s red and raw, until her big rear globes shake and shudder in the most beautiful way. Then I spread her buttocks wide and spit on her shining dark pucker, lick her until she’s wet and wild. Finally I stand and press my oozing cockhead to the final frontier, the forbidden land, the ultimate conquest of my goddamn life.
And with a groan I drive my way home, take my queen the way a king does, claim her totally and completely, deep and hard, forcing her through the discomfort that I know will take her to a new frontier of pleasure, a new kingdom of arousal.
The kingdom of always.
The kingdom of forever.
I feel like a new woman as Archer opens me up from behind, sliding his thick cock into my asshole and going so deep I almost pass out from being stretched like that. I can barely even think, and I’m snorting and gasping as he begins to move inside me. My asscheeks are still stinging from the way he spanked me, and I think I’m still coming all over the walnut floorboards from the way he fingered me.
Through my hazy vision I look down at the city laid out at my feet, and I feel a sense of power flow through me as Archer fucks me harder, penetrates me deeper, stretches me wider. I think about what he said about me being a queen, this being our kingdom, that I was born for more. I think about what he said about me perhaps selling myself short, settling for less. Then I think about what he said about accepting who I was, that maybe I’m not quite the woman I thought I was when I walked into this dark office.
I smile in the most filthy way as Archer’s comment about the cameras reminds me of the dark, perverse arousal I felt when I knew we were being recorded. I close my eyes and imagine what we look like from above, my curves naked and glistening, Archer’s muscular ass flexing as he takes me over his desk, fucks me in the mouth, now in the ass while holding me upright against the window. I’m confident that the cameras in his office are for his eyes only, that there aren’t some security dudes watching us in a different room and jerking off to the sight of my jiggling boobs and big bum, my slit spread wide, my asshole round and gaping. It’s so sick I almost choke, but even that deeply disturbing thought makes me wet, and I gurgle and gasp when I get a glimpse of the places my sexuality could go, where this dark, dangerous man could take me, where he could lead me, where I’d willingly go.
Archer explodes with a thrust and a roar just as the thought unleashes a panic in me, and I scream as my own orgasm roars in with a violence that makes my knees buckle. In fact I almostdocollapse against the cool glass, but Archer holds me up as he empties his balls into me, ramming me hard and deep as he shouts and howls, pinches my nipples, pulls my hair, grips my throat and squeezes just enough to make me gasp.
I’m a wreck, but somehow I’m still coming, coming like I’ve never come before, the discomfort and panic overflowing to a place of ecstasy that’s so raw, so wild, so dark and beautiful that before I know it I’m crying, sobbing like a little girl, whimpering like a lost kitten.
“Fuck, did I hurt you, baby?” comes Archer’s voice through heavy pants. “I was outside myself, Angie. Totally lost in the moment. Lost in you. If I hurt you, I swear I’ll fucking kill myself.”
“You didn’t hurt me,” I whisper as Archer turns me around and pulls me into his warm, hard body, showering me with kisses, stroking my hair, rubbing my back, massaging my ass and thighs. My body is shaking, the vibrations of being taken so hard still rocking me from inside. But Archer is rocking me too, slowly and gently, like we’re dancing to a lullaby, a sweet melody only we can hear.
We move together in silence for a long time, just holding one another, our bodies pressed together. And then I look into his eyes and smile.
“Slug to butterfly?” I say with a shy smile that’s tinged with the recognition that what just happened was dark and dangerous, on the edge of sex and violence, perhaps even over the edge. But it was also exhilarating, enlightening, awakening. Transforming. “Flap flap?”
I see the relief wash over him as he breaks into a big grin and smothers me with so many kisses I giggle and turn my face away.
“Spread your wings, little butterfly,” he says. “Because you’re going to need them when we run this company together.”
“Um, run what together now?” I say, blinking as a wave of nervousness and self-doubt washes over me.Runa company? Yeah, I’m smart and responsible and could easily be a good manager. But running a multi-billion dollar corporation?!
Archer shrugs, narrowing his eyes like he’s challenging me. “You could always just sit at home and raise our kids. No shame in that. In fact, I’d almost rather you did that. Of course, if I ordered you to do that, you’d probably call me a sexist asshole or something.”
I blink as I wonder if he’s serious or playing. And then a chill passes through me when I remember that I know nothing about Aran Archer other than the rumors.
Rumors that he’s a mad recluse.
Rumors of his temper.
Rumors that he’s a megalomaniac, a narcissist, a brilliant CEO but domineering and arrogant.
And you know what, I think as I take a step away from him and cock my head, everything I’ve seen from him thus far has onlyconfirmedthose rumors!
“I think we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves,” I say as I take another step back and touch my chest. My breaths are coming in short gasps, and it feels like I’m suffocating. “Aran, we don’t even know each other. It’s too—”
“I told you not to call me Aran. Ever,” he snaps, clenching his jaw and his fists at the same time. “And I thought you fucking understood what was happening here, Angie. I thought you understood that I’m not playing around, that this isn’t a one-and-done deal for me, that I don’t just stick my cock into every floozy who waltzes her ass into my office and bends over to pick up a pencil.”
I burst into shocked laughter as I listen to Archer talk like some dinosaur from the 1950s. “So I’m afloozynow?!”
Archer grimaces and rubs his forehead. “You’re putting words in my mouth, Angie,” he growls. “I didn’t call you a floozy. Fuck, why do I need to explain myself again and again? How can you possibly deny that what just happened is the real thing? It’s love, Angie. Love. I love you, Angie. I fuckingloveyou! You’re mine, and we’re going to be married. End of story. End of drama. End of this bullshit back-and-forth.”
“Back and forth?” I say, shaking my head as I look for my clothes. “We met an hour ago. Now you’re saying you love me and I’m yours and you want to marry me. It’s a little quick, don’t you think?”
Archer shouts in anguish, turning on his heels and swiping at his computer monitor with unbridled fury. The heavy screen goes flying off the table, shattering against the wall as I gasp at his outburst, wonder what the hell I’ve gotten myself into, wonder if there’s any way out.